Return of the Mush Room

No wonder the big drug companies dont want canna legal

In One.... :pass:

Me Too....had stupid strength prescription drugs and barbaric (as described by one doctor) non drug treatments...and at the end of the day...Nothing worked........
Except canna.

Now.....Normally...I just need over the counter pain killers and me canna to keep it at bay.

I have Saved the NHS a Fortune.............and Cost Big Pharma a Fortune....:pass: ...with something I can grow meself.
In One.... :pass:

Me Too....had stupid strength prescription drugs and barbaric (as described by one doctor) non drug treatments...and at the end of the day...Nothing worked........
Except canna.

Now.....Normally...I just need over the counter pain killers and me canna to keep it at bay.

I have Saved the NHS a Fortune.............and Cost Big Pharma a Fortune....:pass: ...with something I can grow meself.
:pass:That is great Mossy, just need over counter with the canna. You even had their strong drugs and the end oof the day they didnt do a thing, great it cost the big pharma a forture, they're making a killing with their pills, docs handing them out like candy. Have a nice day Mossy, sure was warm here today 31c
Have a nice day Mossy, sure was warm here today 31c

Just 25 C here @smokeyfromau ...and a blustery horrible day that makes you wanna sit in your onesie all day..drink coffee and smoke plenty... :pass:

Sounds like a good day....:biggrin:...Hope you get a good day too
Personally, mushrooms made me a better, more caring being. I had no empathy, no understanding. I was violent and without sympathy. I didn't give a shit about anything, I littered...I was an asshole!

They aren't without risk however. Very powerful medicine that should be treated with the utmost respect. I ate 5 grams a day for a week when I blew my processor. I almost killed my cat and myself. An absolute nightmare.

It took a year for my ears to quit ringing after I went through the mushroom meat grinder. I still have fucked up little flashes of death. It took 6 months before I before I could smoke herb without having a panic attack. Not all of us are built like Terrence McKenna! I'm all good now. I'm all love, all respect and all vibe.

Howz that for a happy ending!
Last edited: you both...:bravo:

They are supposed to grow here..near the pine forests....but I've never hunted.....coz if I Found them I'd be too much of a Wuss to try them.....
(Hey...I didn't even try canna until I was in me 30's...I'm a late starter......:biggrin:..)
There's nothing to be afraid of just stat slowly!

Are you "The Mossy" breeder of the Dragons? If so I have much respect for your work!
There's nothing to be afraid of just stat slowly!

Best Advice you can get @PotDaddy ..Cheers....

Are you "The Mossy" breeder of the Dragons? If so I have much respect for your work

The Owld Dragon herself.....:dragon2:...Thank You....:pass:

yes, wow, i just looked at dragon meds. thanks for that post, i had no idea. how does one get their hands on dragon seeds?

I can't Think of any around ATM @Little Brother .....most are in private hands now.
I'm not in the states but will check them out! Thanks!


