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Had a dab of the munchies......had to pop out fer a round of cheese on toast n brown sauce.....bollox, off t bed now......full belly....stoned as fleck.....soz if I offended ya, and if I didn't, I will make up fer it tmorra you chicken lover short shrifters........

Zzzzzzzzzz........dribble.....snore........twitch..........ouch ! me feckin toe....b'stard............feck off Billy...move over....twat.....zzzzzzz.........eP

G'night all............
A couple hours this week looked good.
View attachment 748842
And all the other hours looked like this
View attachment 748844
WOW! that is absolutely stunnin mate. where do you live? i love finding out where everyone is. people think scotlands a beautiful place. in truth theres a few hundred square miles that can compare to that but the rest of its a shithole. edinburgh, our glorious capital coty is a disgusting, rat infested, to the point that after being one of about 4 or 5 of the main pest controllers that service pretty much the entire city, i will never eat anywhere there again if it wasnt built in the last few decades. watch trainspotting then sweet 16. its a bit extreme but sadly more of a realistic transgression. fuckin awesome films tho! pft, i need to stop getting so sidetracked lol.
WOW! that is absolutely stunnin mate. where do you live? i love finding out where everyone is. people think scotlands a beautiful place. in truth theres a few hundred square miles that can compare to that but the rest of its a shithole. edinburgh, our glorious capital coty is a disgusting, rat infested, to the point that after being one of about 4 or 5 of the main pest controllers that service pretty much the entire city, i will never eat anywhere there again if it wasnt built in the last few decades. watch trainspotting then sweet 16. its a bit extreme but sadly more of a realistic transgression. fuckin awesome films tho! pft, i need to stop getting so sidetracked lol.
I'm in Southeast Alaska brother, similar latitude to you probably. It's not overcrowded, in fact most of it (95%) is national forest. There's been tons of clearcut logging but otherwise pretty good.
with ya on the chickens @EvilScotsman , when we lived in Montana we had a bunch of semi-wild banties, eggs and stew and gardens we we were styling
see you cant really hunt anything over here. its pish. not that theres much to hunt that youd want to eat anyway but weve got a few things. deer, rabbits, pheasant, uhm... struggling already.
humanely killing anything other than rats can get you jail though if you dont have propper permissions and stay within the extremely strict gunlaws and are liscenced even for air rifles. and you can still get jail if you kill a rat inhumanely. people have actually been jailed for killing rats inhumanely when oest controllers almost always feed them shit that makes their veins rupture and internally bleed to death, very slowly over 3-5 days. go figure that one out lol
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