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i was able to get in touch with nature today. little baby rabbit was pretty close to me when i was working. so i walked up on it. he crouched down real scared. i went in real slow. and he stayed still. so i went in. gave him the 1 fingernail head scratch like i give my dog. the rabbit gave the same satisfied look as my dog. there for about 3 seconds. it was very cool. we both kind of forgot about the real world for that 3 seconds. he opened his eyes back up about the time i got to thinking "im really scratching this wild rabbit?" and he was like yeah i gtg. and bolted.

probably good that he did. cuz i would have brought him home. made him a pet haha. but that 3-4 seconds of zen with a wild rabbit was pretty cool. it was def off the tit. not super small. but young young rabbit. cool as shit.
Not sure yet . Need some motivation . I have to finish my winter grow yet . I need to see what seeds I'm going to sacrifice at the alter of learning .
thats a good sacrificial cause for a plant egg. lol.

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