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Last bit of bubble hash in my back up reserve bong. Broke my good one :(
Dude....I think you're absolutely killing it! :d5::slap:
other good news is my brother snagged a skunk from me. the blk. and he has 1 going. still a seedling. but already bigger than mine got at 3 weeks lol. so skunk in future!!! woot!.
he taking over the thread for it
hey're one on my short list of things I want to try out. Checked out their site a number of times almost pulling the trigger on ordering. If you end up trying 'em and journaling it, tag me so I can follow along. :smoking: is another to check out for dipping your toes into TLO growing. I'm on my second grow using my first mix of their 2.1 master mix now, and have had mostly positive results. There was an issue with one plant that I couldn't quite figure out, but wasn't trying to treat as aggressively as I could have due to distractions at the time from growing. :greenthumb:
I'll tag you for sure! It will probably be another month before I begin changing things over....I'm going to finish off my remaining nutes first. I think I'm going to definitely go with the craft was either that or that mephisto super soil amendment. I think the craft blend will do better in the small pots I grow in (12, 2 gallon plants in a 4x4)....I don't really think the layering of the super soil works out in such small containers.....
The blk's I'm growing were slow starters....but they're finally starting to take off! Speaking of that, I need to do an update!
i just didnt have time or space to tend to a 1 finger 3 week old 1 inch plant lol. so i tossed him 1 seed and he nailed it. he is actually pretty good at planting beans into soil. only time they dont pop is when the soil eats them. happened 2x to him. but yeah. he got er done lol. he is nuts. he is doing more plants than me this time. 7 i think. i told him we will have to get a trellis and do some yard work lol. scrog and lolipopping for sure. no other way to manage 7 if they get big lol
They're one on my short list of things I want to try out. Checked out their site a number of times almost pulling the trigger on ordering. If you end up trying 'em and journaling it, tag me so I can follow along. :smoking: is another to check out for dipping your toes into TLO growing. I'm on my second grow using my first mix of their 2.1 master mix now, and have had mostly positive results. There was an issue with one plant that I couldn't quite figure out, but wasn't trying to treat as aggressively as I could have due to distractions at the time from growing. :greenthumb:

I got a BAS Modern Mix Soil journal going I'll tag you
I'll tag you for sure! It will probably be another month before I begin changing things over....I'm going to finish off my remaining nutes first. I think I'm going to definitely go with the craft was either that or that mephisto super soil amendment. I think the craft blend will do better in the small pots I grow in (12, 2 gallon plants in a 4x4)....I don't really think the layering of the super soil works out in such small containers.....

Which blend are you going for? I went with modern mix oly base didn't think Bu's base was worth the extra $2.00 when you figure in shipping and stuff.
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