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Both Cannabis and hops are in the family cannabacea. Hops is also listed at the gene bank as the closest genetic match to cannabis. Hops however is a perennial vine, vigorous, multishooted, and grows 20 feet a year. If I could graft ten cannabis clones onto ten bud sites, I'd get ten 12-14 inch branches. At least that's the theory. They would all stick out off the central vine, growing vertically. Full sun for everybody.
I know everyone can't afford an expensive camera and are not professional photographers but some of the contestants do themselves a BIG disservice by not submitting a full plant view . Maybe that should be the standard . Just saying . Pickey old bastard aren't I .:biggrin:
I agree with you
I have looked for journals on grafting them together. I kep coming up with people grafting hops onto a cannabis rootstalk. That sounds just stupid. Grafting cannabis onto hops though, would save you from changing soil, would simplify watering, and maximize space. If it works, it may have a crazy flavor unheard of too.
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