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Good deal. I'm saving for that over the next couple months. I just pulled the trigger on a new set of nutes. I got the Green Planet Hydro Fuel two part system. I need to get some root booster too, but havn't landed on the right one yet.
What about that Mammoth P ?? Send for a free sample their very obliging people .:thumbsup:
What about that Mammoth P ?? Send for a free sample their very obliging people .:thumbsup:
They wouldn't send me another free sample this year, because they said they sent one last year, (which they did). There's several abandoned lots next to me and to keep from paying my ex-wife's cable bill, I gave them the address to one of the adjoining lots and they put new cable in with no problem. Hmmm guessing I could do the same thing with Mammoth P ... I hate being poor! :shrug:
Mammoth P is looking expensive. Probly last a good while, but 70 bucks is right out, I just spent that much for base nutes.
Then you can just image what it cost me with a 25% exchange rate plus shipping to Canada !! But I understand a little goes a long way and when I emailed them for a sample they were right on it . There a small company and told me they would put me on their international list . No shipping charge was mentioned and they said they would send me a tracking number when it shipped . They also said to be patient because they were very busy . :thumbsup:
I will be going to teas to get the microbials that I need from here on out...

I already keep the powderd mycos on hand for veggies and trees. I havn't put any of it into hydro though. I'm just now getting comfortable with it enough to know exactly what I want. I'm headed down to the grow store this week to look around. They have all the powders and juices you could shake a stick at. Plus, they have a fairly large hops operation going. I am fascinated by this, I'm going to attempt to graft cannabis onto hops.
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