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I got stupid questions, I want smart answers.

How come I can't find Portals or Stones at seedbanks. What should I be looking for that I missed. Am I just confused about names?

P.S.. Soooo stoked that my Amnesia is finally cured. The smell is amazing. The taste is strong lemon, with mediciny after taste.
I will never understand why owners hire idiots and assholes. The only reason I can think of is that they are an asshole idiot too. Managing people with kindness ALWAYS makes for more production, happy workers make happy bosses.
The owner is a 90 year old self made multi millionaire . Immigrated to Canada with a $5.00 dollar bill in his hand and made car loads in the construction industry . He's tough but he's fair and I like him . I believe he has tried to help fellow Bulgarians by sponsoring them and bringing them to Canada but just like everything else there's always a few bad apples in every bunch . :toke:
I have some amnesia how long from seed? How's yield? I also have moon tears, and amber.

Mine was from an unknown breeder (free seeds) It was phenotype 3, long, tall, and stretchy. It didn't yield heavy, I about 70 grams.
I expected more just due to her sheer size (6 ft. high, 3.5 ft. wide). I also cut her down a bit early, she was almost to 90 days, and developed hermies.

Dinafem-Mark said that phenotype is 1 in a 100. Most are phenotype 1. And his will breed true.
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