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About mid-season when it's all going to shit is when you should contact the owner directly. Explain what's gone wrong and how you could do it better if the asshole boss was out of the way. Karma Bitch ! Take his job out from under him. :shooty:
The problem . The owner is Bulgarian and so is the super .
Deportation, illegal canna growing in public, off with their heads!
I have such a twisted sense of revenge I know exactly were to plant them and then call the police mid season and tell then there's a grow op on the course and tell them the super was growing it . :biggrin:
I have such a twisted sense of revenge I know exactly were to plant them and then call the police mid season and tell then there's a grow op on the course and tell them the super was growing it . :biggrin:

I love the plan, I would recommend having someone else call it in. You don't want your name in the report. They will check the phone number to verify who called.
Actually I feel sorry for the poor bastard . His hair is going prematurely grey , he's got an anger management problem , he doesn't have a clue as to how to hire people or manage them , a boss that is constantly chasing his sorry ass , and 2 x 18 hole golf courses to manage . :biggrin:
Actually I feel sorry for the poor bastard . His hair is going prematurely grey , he's got an anger management problem , he doesn't have a clue as to how to hire people or manage them , a boss that is constantly chasing his sorry ass , and 2 x 18 hole golf courses to manage . :biggrin:

LOL a boss that constantly chasing his sorry ass!!
I will never understand why owners hire idiots and assholes. The only reason I can think of is that they are an asshole idiot too. Managing people with kindness ALWAYS makes for more production, happy workers make happy bosses.
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