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Okay lighting specialists here is a layout of my current light . BigSmO has suggested and I have no reason to disbelieve him that Epistar is not terribly efficient . My question . Could I improve the efficiency of my light by changing to Cree, Osram or another high end led mfr . :toke:
Cool piece of equipment . Don't you be reaching for your check book now . :nono:

Their business model includes rentals.But probably not here in the US.

Have y'all got plenty of cinch bugs, moles, dollar weed.etc up there? Anything you need to give the boss a tropical jock itch of the lawn, I probably have it in my neighborhood. Need some gators for the water holes? Really want to wind them up, a pair of Gambian Pouch Rats. They breed like crazy and get as big as a mid sized dog. You have enough Louisiana friends where a few Nutria should be no problem, they will love Nutria and Pouch Rats.
Sorry. I get excited at even the hint of a new project:muahaha:.and go batshit crazy over anything that flys.
I got a question. I think I know the answer, but opinions are welcomed.

My first plant was 36 inches high and yielded 114 grams dry. The root ball was jaw droppingly massive. as long as the plant, and completely filled the 6 inch net pot width. The roots were at least as long as the plant was tall.

Second plant had a good root mass, but half what the Freeze B. did. Yet she was 6 ft tall, and only yielded 70 grams.

The question,::
assuming environment is the same,

Smaller root mass = more height and smaller buds?


Larger roots = massive bud yield and shorter stature?


it's all in the genetics no matter what.

Their business model includes rentals.But probably not here in the US.

Have y'all got plenty of cinch bugs, moles, dollar weed.etc up there? Anything you need to give the boss a tropical jock itch of the lawn, I probably have it in my neighborhood. Need some gators for the water holes? Really want to wind them up, a pair of Gambian Pouch Rats. They breed like crazy and get as big as a mid sized dog. You have enough Louisiana friends where a few Nutria should be no problem, they will love Nutria and Pouch Rats.
Sorry. I get excited at even the hint of a new project:muahaha:.and go batshit crazy over anything that flys.
Oh he won't need any thing more on his plate . He's probably running around like a lunatic already and it'll get worse as the season progresses and the tournaments start plus the guy that owns this course and 6 others has his office on the golf course and will be up his ass constantly . I'm sure there has already been a tumble down effect from me sueing and costing the company lawyers fees and the 2 grand they had to pay me as a result of his stupidity . :thumbsup:
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