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Evening stoners [HASHTAG]#showusyourcuppa[/HASHTAG]
One thing I noticed that the great full dead white blotters made in front of you were the longest lasting and took the longest to hit you it started with a shiver then you knew it was coursing through you. Where as the typical lsd I would get micro dots usually hit faster and different
Ahhh yes, the liquid... Just a drop under the lower eyelid was all it took.
like the fact that there is or was a tribe that would convert missionary,s to there way of life it happen to more then one missionary that went up the amazon to convert them to Christianity. They were so loving and peaceful and living in the now they did not have the vocabulary for the future or the past just the now today it was very interesting read
these explorers were looking for plants and how the folks there were using them, specifically drug plants and their place in cosmology and daily life
Ya my little voice in the head NEVER shuts up. Well almost anyways, that is one of the main reasons I use canna anymore. It helps to keep the little guy quiet. I had to stop for about 12-14 years, and I never really noticed until I started up again a couple years ago the difference. When I use constantly it stays quiet, if I stop for a day or two he comes back all the busier and louder. Cool but a bit crazy.
The old top dog under dog Willie been dealing with them for years . Now they shake hands as they pass one another leaving the room .
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Ahhh yes, the liquid... Just a drop under the lower eyelid was all it took.
They had perforated sheets of paper they would drop a blot right in front of you. My friend got one on the tongue and a one on paper for later on I just did two tabs and went on a wild but fun trip. Looking back two was excess by all accounts. Did you ever see how many ambulances would be outside helping people that took just a little to much at a DEAD HEAD SHOW. I remeber Steve Miller Band was backing them up at Ridge stadium in New York the place was empty until the SMB played there last tune then bam in came the dead heads but that was the norm as I was to find out
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