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Did you find that constantly being dosed or dosing for several days to be counter productive? Never could attain the state we were chasing it seemed, even after massive doses.
That is exactly it drinking and chasing the high and so dam HYPERACTIVE I could not slow down I would end up 100.s of miles from home and not know how I got there or did I care
One thing I noticed that the great full dead white blotters made in front of you were the longest lasting and took the longest to hit you it started with a shiver then you knew it was coursing through you. Where as the typical lsd I would get micro dots usually hit faster and different
Anyone ever done much cooking or other with lilac? Bushes are almost finished with their blooming and there's so much this year I've started wondering if I ought to be harvesting some of the flowers and doing something with them. :jointman:

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Nothing like the smell of the lilac bush that is a prime example of one to mate
nyone ever done much cooking or other with lilac? Bushes are almost finished with their blooming and there's so much this year I've started wondering if I ought to be harvesting some of the flowers and doing something with them. :jointman:
Tread lightly, friend! Edible flowers are a great addition to many dishes...mostly as a garnish. Lilac's in particular smell better than they taste, in my opinion. They are great to add color to a dish, or to use as a bitter component to a dish. Any time you add them to anything, be mindful to add another ingredient to balance it out. Hope it helps.
I have missed LSC I had a few months off I burnt out I grew over 400 plants indoors in two years and journaled most of them. I needed a rest badly but I am back where I belong AFN and Family
Tread lightly, friend! Edible flowers are a great addition to many dishes...mostly as a garnish. Lilac's in particular smell better than they taste, in my opinion. They are great to add color to a dish, or to use as a bitter component to a dish. Any time you add them to anything, be mindful to add another ingredient to balance it out. Hope it helps.

Thanks for the advice. Initial bit of reading I'm leaning toward maybe just trying something simple and doing a lilac jelly. Recipe I found is pretty much infusing some water with the flower and then making a jelly with it. So I'm thinking would be a good way to get a taste of the flavor it adds, but most of the solid flower is strained out so hopefully not to overly floral in taste. :chef:
anyone ever read this? my fav book probably read it 10 times
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