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I now am much more wise about what I chose to do. Still somewhat reckless, but I always weigh 3 times now! Haha:crying:

I do prefer LSD to mushrooms, but that's because I'm an introvert and constantly have a mental murmur, so acid is much less deep and therefore, more recreational. :pass::d5:

for me alcohol and hallucinogens weren't compatible, but I was always looking to shred the envelope, push the walls out and blow up the ceiling, and I always put myself in a natural environment with no interference, after my first big experience with L and I realized I needed to be in the appropriate environment for space/time travel
My personal experience with LSD was so innocent and fun I never had one bad trip. I got a bread bag full of mushrooms and kept eating them for days it became unpleasant but I pushed through tried it again but different surroundings I like both to this day and I have not drank in 15 years. But LSD for me I can do it in a crowd or at a supper table it does not matter I go with the flow and find happiness in the smallest of situations. I passed out while waiting for a big mac I had not eaten in two days and was pounding back the lsd like candy that was one wicked trip
Some have posited that it was a pine tree with red capped amanita underneath itand I found this gem as well:
As in most cases.....the truth is probably found some where in the middle. What do the amanita and acacia have in common? They are both DMT containing entheogens.....

Its super interesting! :d5:
To be hanging around clubs in 1968 is surreal to me you are one lucky man I was born ten years to late
1964, the year I graduated from high school, me and my surf buddies spent many a night sneaking into and getting thrown out of "the Lighthouse", a club in Hermosa Bch. The act we were desperately trying to catch, Long Gone Miles, and old time blues guy
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I passed out while waiting for a big mac I had not eaten in two days and was pounding back the lsd like candy that was one wicked trip
Did you find that constantly being dosed or dosing for several days to be counter productive? Never could attain the state we were chasing it seemed, even after massive doses.
Well somewhere in the past I read this great treatise that hypothesized that the manna from heaven that sustained Moses and company was actually psilocybe cubenis. Think about that for a bit, the found it in the morning, by the animal pastures... Hmmm shrooms on a cow flop maybe. The burning bush on the mountain certainly make more sense when looked at through this lens.
I'll see if I can find it somewhere.
and they be found around the world in the appropriate habitats
Yeeeaaaaaahh, always conversing something with myself. Music if I'm lucky, but if it's original, it mutates and is too fleeting usually to be scribed. Cranial cacophony? Haha
Ya my little voice in the head NEVER shuts up. Well almost anyways, that is one of the main reasons I use canna anymore. It helps to keep the little guy quiet. I had to stop for about 12-14 years, and I never really noticed until I started up again a couple years ago the difference. When I use constantly it stays quiet, if I stop for a day or two he comes back all the busier and louder. Cool but a bit crazy.
Anyone ever done much cooking or other with lilac? Bushes are almost finished with their blooming and there's so much this year I've started wondering if I ought to be harvesting some of the flowers and doing something with them. :jointman:

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