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This past week we've been 50-60's daytime with 30's at night. Next week we'll be in the 70-80's. It's almost like the planet has flipped it's lid and not sure which side is supposed to have the warm vs cold weather.
I agree! Its freaking weird!
My dog got a little bitty bit of butter tonight. Might have over done it. She is torched lol. She is pretty much just like fuck it I'm laying here a while
Take it can take it to far with them.
Talking 2ml worth. If that. Lol. I would never over do my dog like that lol. I made that sound worse than it is haha. She is super cool
So, the end result will be smooth peanut butter, with no chunks. I used a sauce pan and metal bowl as a double boiler, added the peanut butter and cannabis, and heated for 45 minutes...and strained through a fine mesh strainer.
Great idea, im gonna try it
Did you use natural or regular peanut butter?
@Rebel . i got new idea okay so those reusable shopping bags that are made from cloth or whatever... But then you make them branded with AFN logo or something

Also the shopping bags could double as a grow bag ya kno. So like ya that's a idea cheers mang
What? Those two stoners? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yes....our oldest dog started having shoulder problems. Turns out its arthritis, and the beginning of dysplasia (sp?). They recommended Tramadol every night. I wasn't cool with that, so I started with one drop from an eye dropper a night. It helps him a lot!! As for the youngest one....she watched a Cheech and Chong movie, and well....the rest is history! View attachment 750776 :rofl:
AHH the drive in days they would have cheech and chong marathon. The old 72 pontiac got fogged out those nights lmao
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