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I need to find me a different job. Stuff is getting pretty petty at my current. And I'm not one to take too much bs. Literally had a grown man question my dignity and integrity over simple stuff that is not even relevant to the job. If I was younger and had less control of my temper ida showed him some integrity in beating his ass.
Sorry for the angry vibes. Just had to get that out.
Hope afn is going good today
That's why I don't work on the golf course anymore . I called the SOB out . :rofl:
Hey @Frankthetank I have arthritis also, but I haven't had a major attack since I quit drinking cokes and got my bodies ph back in balance. I use to get multiple cortisone shots a year and it's been over a year since I've had one now. I read about it here over in the med section and I have @Mossy to thank for life without a lot of pain! :peace:
I've been reading up on the body's ph, as well. I don't really consume any type of sugar....every once in a great while I'll make a recipe that calls for a little sugar, but other than that, none. I have noticed a difference since I upped my vegetable intake drastically. They used to shoot me up with cortisone in both knee's and my back when I was still active duty. The juice wasn't really worth the squeeze for me with that kind of stuff.....a few months of mild pain relief, with the trade off of putting your body at risk of an infection because of the needle sticks. My mom got a really bad staff infection from a surgery, and it damn near killed her. It really made me stop and think about what procedures I was willing to risk....

Thanks for the tip....I should read through the medical section a little better...see what I can learn.:d5:
Good Afternoon [HASHTAG]#afnstoners[/HASHTAG] :bighug:

Hey @Frankthetank I have arthritis also, but I haven't had a major attack since I quit drinking cokes and got my bodies ph back in balance. I use to get multiple cortisone shots a year and it's been over a year since I've had one now. I read about it here over in the med section and I have @Mossy to thank for life without a lot of pain! :peace:

Nerve pain is the nerves squealing for Oxygen...:headbang:..if you give them oxygen by raising your PH..they Stop Squealing...Simple..and CHEAP...

First signs of warm weather off with the hair .. :toke:

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OMG bear...:yoinks:.. [HASHTAG]#backcrackandsackwax[/HASHTAG] ? ..for Mating season..

Even Thinking about it makes me eyes watter...but a bear has to do what a bear has to do...:d5:

Hope it gets better for you quick bro.. Some days I stay away from AFN just because I have a piss poor attitude and don't want it to seep in here..
I had a bad day yesterday.. everything I touched turned to sh*t.. like the Midas touch in reverse
Pretty much the touch I have at the time. So I been staying out of my tent lol.
I need to find me a different job. Stuff is getting pretty petty at my current. And I'm not one to take too much bs. Literally had a grown man question my dignity and integrity over simple stuff that is not even relevant to the job. If I was younger and had less control of my temper ida showed him some integrity in beating his ass.
Sorry for the angry vibes. Just had to get that out.
Hope afn is going good today
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