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Last bit of the purple ku
shatter . is it just me or do the pics look weird
A good thing to do no matter what soil you use is to prepare your pots a week in advance..

I start all seedlings in a root riot in the final pot with a clear plastic cup over them..

A week before I put the root riot in I put my amended soil on bottom and fill the rest with roots organic.. I water with a solution of 25% hydrogen peroxide and 75% distilled water. I do this twice.. the HP kills any bugs and adds oxygen to the soil.. I never have any problems after that...
Ripper would this be a good practice to follow after a grow if you wanted to reuse the medium from the grow ??
Here's a stoner quandary-

Do you think they'll have nano-3D printers wherein we could print THC, or LSD, or 4-po-dmt...? You see where I'm headed...

Too complex or too Star trek replicator-y-eerie?


Don't forget to show you smoke!:thumbsup::vibe:

Man what a fun question/idea. While anything seems possible, I don't think it would quite work that way. In one sense, we could theoretically print a perfect plastic replica of a Hydrogen molecule, but in the end it would be just that, a plastic replica. However, with something as small as a nano particle, perhaps our brains could be tricked into believing and therefore feeling the effects of printed, synthetic cannabinoids and so on. This is the kind of dialogue that keeps me coming back year after year!
It could work.. I would add an inoculate to recharge the soil as well but you would want to let it sit longer... at least with my soil
So I'm using Sunshine 4 with Growstone and worm poop . So if I used the peroxide solution , flushed it , let it dry and added a handful of worm poop I should be good to go again . :thumbsup:
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