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This is EXACTLY what I do....I rarely use measuring spoons or cups. Its just been in the past year or so that I've started scribbling notes while I cook, so that if something turns out amazing...I can at least look back at approximately what I just did, and start developing a recipe from there. Honestly...the only reason I started writing things down, was because I was constantly having people ask for recipes and didn't have anything to give them, except for an ingredients list.

Once I started writing things down....I kind of liked having the notes, because it allows me to tweak things on way or the other for better flavors, etc.

**make sure to tell her to not freak out when she opens the oven, and smoke rolls out...:haha:
Hahahaha I'll warn her. I copy and paste all these recipes to her with a note "just another stoner recipe to save" lol. I'm going to recommend that she takes notes but I can tell you that ain't going to happen lol.

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