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I'll read this in a min. Good info. I skimmed. But I feel it was too much air. Because it was abusing roots in the rough holes of bucket. And cutting the roots. So I felt in that case it was too much air pressure.

Yes you are totally correct, you can have to much water turbulence due to air, but not too much air itself. If you attach two more airlines and stones to those two open ports you will have a nice soft layer of small tiny fluffy bubbles and not all the water movement because the air is now diffused. If you have any questions don't hesitate to tag me or shoot me a PM. This is my area of expertise and I am always willing and eager to help.
@ashton most folks here know me fairly well and they know what I am about to say, there is NEVER too much air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a proven max oxygen technique that is the way to get your plants to grow the biggest.... period lol. SO without going all sciency on everyone who is reading, cannabis loves almost above all else oxygen to the roots(this is why there is perlite in soil, to help with aeration) so with that being said there is no such thing as too much air(now i am sure there is a point of diminishing return, but i haven't found it yet haha) this is how folks are getting 1 pound per plant autos(see badge :) :) ) when you get home I would do two things asap, first is close the ports on your manifold and get all the air you can goin into the rez water. Second is, if you have or can get two more air stones and put them on hoses attached to the two open ports you have now.

I have my formal education in botany and have been growing in DWC type mediums for 10+ years, it is almost the entire reasoning for my Dream Farm setup. After years of research, trial and error I theorized that if you up all of the growth varibles exponentially that the growth rate of autoflowering cannabis can far exceed what previously thought possible. Starting with the air to the roots, with lots of light, lots of good nutrients, temperatures and so on. So that "a rising tide rasies all ships" mentality applies, and the result is really big plants. Here is an example of my roots on my AutoXtreme grow just to give you an idea of what we are talkin about here :) View attachment 743655 I can talk about DWC/aerated o2 allllllll day lol.

@MissUniverse Awesome I am here for ya girl! I will hop on over here in just a few, do me a favor and list all of the components you have, with the liters per minute of your air pump if possible. We will get you over on the dank side for real!!!
And my air stone clogged up so I added the air hoses to inside the bottom of the grow bucket. Which is why it was abusive on the roots turned way up
@ashton most folks here know me fairly well and they know what I am about to say, there is NEVER too much air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a proven max oxygen technique that is the way to get your plants to grow the biggest.... period lol. SO without going all sciency on everyone who is reading, cannabis loves almost above all else oxygen to the roots(this is why there is perlite in soil, to help with aeration) so with that being said there is no such thing as too much air(now i am sure there is a point of diminishing return, but i haven't found it yet haha) this is how folks are getting 1 pound per plant autos(see badge :) :) ) when you get home I would do two things asap, first is close the ports on your manifold and get all the air you can goin into the rez water. Second is, if you have or can get two more air stones and put them on hoses attached to the two open ports you have now.

I have my formal education in botany and have been growing in DWC type mediums for 10+ years, it is almost the entire reasoning for my Dream Farm setup. After years of research, trial and error I theorized that if you up all of the growth varibles exponentially that the growth rate of autoflowering cannabis can far exceed what previously thought possible. Starting with the air to the roots, with lots of light, lots of good nutrients, temperatures and so on. So that "a rising tide rasies all ships" mentality applies, and the result is really big plants. Here is an example of my roots on my AutoXtreme grow just to give you an idea of what we are talkin about here :) View attachment 743655 I can talk about DWC/aerated o2 allllllll day lol.

@MissUniverse Awesome I am here for ya girl! I will hop on over here in just a few, do me a favor and list all of the components you have, with the liters per minute of your air pump if possible. We will get you over on the dank side for real!!!

How about putting an oxygen tablet right in the mix? They sell them at bait shops to keep bait alive,
When you get a moment tell me what you think of airoponic's . Lots of air !! and mist .

The idea in theory works well, but in practice to grow big plants it isn't really feasible. Inevitably the sprayer heads get clogged and when the roots get big the fine mist cant really penetrate the thick mat of roots so it defeats the purpose and ends up turning into a DWC bucket anyway lol. Now with that being said aeroponics is THE way to start clones(and seeds to a certain degree) because the fine aerated mist has access to the tap root and all the ancillary feeder roots when it is young. If you think about it, what kind of sprayer apparatus would you have to have to penetrate that mass of roots pictured above lol. There is definitely a place for areoponics, but for growing monsters there is not. That is just my opinion, there may have been major advancements in the technology and I just haven't looked in years :)
The idea in theory works well, but in practice to grow big plants it isn't really feasible. Inevitably the sprayer heads get clogged and when the roots get big the fine mist cant really penetrate the thick mat of roots so it defeats the purpose and ends up turning into a DWC bucket anyway lol. Now with that being said aeroponics is THE way to start clones(and seeds to a certain degree) because the fine aerated mist has access to the tap root and all the ancillary feeder roots when it is young. If you think about it, what kind of sprayer apparatus would you have to have to penetrate that mass of roots pictured above lol. There is definitely a place for areoponics, but for growing monsters there is not. That is just my opinion, there may have been major advancements in the technology and I just haven't looked in years :)
After I harvest this one and the rest. I'll have a better build. More stones and better placement. This was a very on the fly conversion to dwc. So a few stumbles expected. And a nice learning curve.
This is from the 29th I'm sure they are much bigger now. . That's when stone went out and I had to put a 2nd hose into bucket lol.

Also noticed. When I gave her straight water no nutes. She was not very happy with it. Stopped praying. Gave her some juice. All perky again. She eats a lot of nutes lol.
The idea in theory works well, but in practice to grow big plants it isn't really feasible. Inevitably the sprayer heads get clogged and when the roots get big the fine mist cant really penetrate the thick mat of roots so it defeats the purpose and ends up turning into a DWC bucket anyway lol. Now with that being said aeroponics is THE way to start clones(and seeds to a certain degree) because the fine aerated mist has access to the tap root and all the ancillary feeder roots when it is young. If you think about it, what kind of sprayer apparatus would you have to have to penetrate that mass of roots pictured above lol. There is definitely a place for areoponics, but for growing monsters there is not. That is just my opinion, there may have been major advancements in the technology and I just haven't looked in years :)
Thank you sir
I would be using pond misters , no sprayer heads to get clogged just a fine mist floating around the container . Not a major advancement in technology just another approach.
Thank you sir
I would be using pond misters , no sprayer heads to get clogged just a fine mist floating around the container . Not a major advancement in technology just another approach.

Yeah pond misters and the like always seem to have problems, that is what I have always experienced anyway. It still presents the problem for me anyway of being able to get through the root mass. But I also grow in DWC for a simple reason, to get the biggest plants possible in the shortest amount of time. So I found something that works really well with my DWC max o2 setup and will find it hard to even look at exploring other techniques, mainly because I put a lot of time into my DWC on a daily basis. The only reason I am even growing soil plants right now is because the @Kindsoil folks came out with something that i only have to water, so I can still focus on my DWC every day. For me to divert my attention to another medium would be counterproductive at this point. I may be at a disadvantage because growing is always evolving and changing for the better in most cases, but hey I really like what I have come up with :)
The idea in theory works well, but in practice to grow big plants it isn't really feasible. Inevitably the sprayer heads get clogged and when the roots get big the fine mist cant really penetrate the thick mat of roots so it defeats the purpose and ends up turning into a DWC bucket anyway lol. Now with that being said aeroponics is THE way to start clones(and seeds to a certain degree) because the fine aerated mist has access to the tap root and all the ancillary feeder roots when it is young. If you think about it, what kind of sprayer apparatus would you have to have to penetrate that mass of roots pictured above lol. There is definitely a place for areoponics, but for growing monsters there is not. That is just my opinion, there may have been major advancements in the technology and I just haven't looked in years :)

Makes sense. I've used them and don't remember any residue in the bucket but after a few minutes and a couple dozen shrimp, who would notice it? I guess root bound is root bound and not good what ever the medium.
After I harvest this one and the rest. I'll have a better build. More stones and better placement. This was a very on the fly conversion to dwc. So a few stumbles expected. And a nice learning curve.
This is from the 29th I'm sure they are much bigger now. . That's when stone went out and I had to put a 2nd hose into bucket lol.

Also noticed. When I gave her straight water no nutes. She was not very happy with it. Stopped praying. Gave her some juice. All perky again. She eats a lot of nutes lol. View attachment 743672

That really is BADASS my friend and with a little bit of tweaking I think you could be on to something here. One thing that I like about the idea of using the hempy as substrate is because it is softer lol. I am like you and i don't like my roots being abused at all, so I think that hempy along with one of those sonic electric oxygenators would make for probably the most ideal substrate i can think of. hmmmmmmmmmmmm
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