Ahh my friends, glad to see this one and im pulling up a chair. So lets get down to some business. Id love to be here to help along if you want/need it bt i know the two of you are talented as well!

Hey @Fairlynew

Today is day one, at what point do I start adding nutrients? And that is at half strength, did I read that somewhere?

SO lets talk about introduction to the nute line, I usually wait until about 10-14 days before i introduce anything strong. now i do use GH root simulator but at small levels at the beginning around day 4 or 5. But when it comes to something with actual N-P-K i wait until they are well established.

Now typically on the first feed i got about 1/2 strength. I used to go 1/4 but i noticed that they could take a little more so i bumped it. now i am not familiar with this line you are using so ill do some reading on it so i can give you a better schedule based on what they are. Chem ferts have to be lower dose but if they are true organinc we might be able to get away with a little more each feeding.

In a nut shell 1/2 at day 1-12 and then work from there, watch them see if they demand more.

View attachment 691831

So am I to use this on my next watering already?

You know sometimes i wonder if these schedules were designed for cloned plants. It takes about a week to establish roots on a cutting and then they can start taking nutes in hydro very early. Autos in the past would fry with this type of schedule but with all the new genetics coming out, i have had a few rules roken to bits. Like i said let me read on the company and ill give you a better idea of when

Also, what about PHing the water.?

I always do that and still to this day keep my feed water there at those levels. Some think it does not do much but i have seen great yields in small places and that was the only thing new i did and i saw big changes.
Nice. thanks FD, my talents before were with Super Soil kind of recipes. So this is all new, ha ha, I feel like a newb.

But I will get on with it regardless.

Thanks for the info, I of course haven't ever worried about PH with the organics.With that said, LED's have cal mag issues, and that is covered with the MagnifiCal. I always ended up with nitrogen issues late in flower with photo's when using the super soils as well.
With no response from @RemoNutrients I am going to go ahead and do a feeding this morning. I will give all the specifics tonight, but I AM following the schedule that was send. Ph'd water at 6.7

Hope I am doing it right, never used coco before.
I'm not a Coco guru and have only run Remo once but isn't 6.7 too high for Coco... @budelee probly knows
Also, what about PHing the water.?

Sorry mate, I've had a busy week prepping for the Colorado show.

Optimal pH is between 5.8 and 6.5 (6.3 seems to be the sweet spot).

We have an online nutrient calculator at www.remonutrients.com/calculator where you can enter in your weekly water requirements and your strain info and it will calculate exactly what you need for the term of your grow. Simple easy and effective. No need to play with things or add additional products :)
With no response from @RemoNutrients I am going to go ahead and do a feeding this morning. I will give all the specifics tonight, but I AM following the schedule that was send. Ph'd water at 6.7

Hope I am doing it right, never used coco before.

Sorry bud, I'm one of the people running the ship here at our factory and try to get on as much as I can.

Hope I'm not too late.

@RemoNutrients @Fairlynew

No it's all good Joel. I just had to do something. I did water at 6.7 and nothing but a bigger sproutling is apparent. I know that I will probably lower the PH, but I think I am getting the hang of it. This Coco isn't like the rest, it DOES have SOME forest minerals, but no NPK. So maybe I got a little buffer.

Before I get to the pics, this first pic is a "Spooky" stick. It is bud, sprayed with Wax, and rolled in keif. There is so much wax on it, that it is bending over the joint with the saturation and weight of it all. We often wipe enough oil off of it with a paper, to make a Semi-Spooky stick. IMG_1601.JPG

Okay so I fed these gals, 1 cup of slurry each. I made the slurry up with:

1 Gallon R/O water.
1 teaspoon Micro
1 teaspoon Velo Kelp
1 teaspoon MagNifiCal
1 teaspoon Grow

32 droppers, or 1.5ml of PH up.

I am suspect of R/O claim. I wasn't expecting that reading, so I added the nutrients, and PH'd again, it was 5.8, so I am thinking I got a bad reading. Recalibrated before the Nute test. Then I ph'd up to 6.7

So they still grew a bit. I will just use water on them tomorrow, then back to the proper PH level for the day after that for a feeding. I took these pics this morning, so they are about a half inch bigger now, and wider leaves.

This is a method I use when the plants are in this sprouting stage. So as to not damage the little buggers, I put this cap from a small spray bottle, over the sprout. So when I pour the water on or near the thing, it keeps it, a) dry and b) damage free.



Okay so this is a three day old. This is gonna be a blast.

Thanks again Remo.
How about an @RemoNutrients test grow up-date. Now on day 7

Deep Dark green leaves on these Gals. Even looks like purpley, sorta.

Fed on day three, water on day five and this time I gave them each 2 cups of the nutrient slurry.

I Shook up the Nute solution I had in a gallon Jug. It came out a PH of 6.3 so I was good to go.

I was wondering about adding silica ? Is it something I need, any advice will help.

two cups each of my slurry made of. It is the same solution as before, I didn't need all of it. This is good about these nutrients. So far my first benefit is the ECONOMY of this line. You can mix a gallon up of it, and it lasts for as long as you need it, just gotta check the PH. Also, and this is A HUGE also, before, the nutrients, and most nutrients, want you to add 5ml per Liter of water, This solution allows you to you a whole gallon/4litlers for the same amount of nutrient.

1 Gallon R/O water.
1 teaspoon Micro
1 teaspoon Velo Kelp
1 teaspoon MagNifiCal
1 teaspoon Grow

Next week I bump up the nutes to 6ml per gallon as per the schedule on the nutrient information guide.

Also on a side note, my humidity has been in the 20's, So I am wetting the soil around the plant area hoping if I keep it wet, the humidity might get up a bit higher. If not, a humidifier will be put into use.

