Dinafem Remo Chemo (photo) & Blue Amnesia XXL (auto)

Hi mate how's things and thanks :d5: I think I'm more surprised than anyone :crying: I'm using Canna coco/pebble mix, so I've no idea where the new sproutling came from then if it's not from her :shrug: As for Remo, it was day 42 since I switched to 12/12 :thumbsup: she had 4 weeks of veg.
Hi my friend your blue ammy is a prize plant, outstanding man :jointman: and the Remo, well...she's done you no favours has she!! Can't win them all :cheers: that killer blue probably eases the pain... gonna check out how they finish flowering and what you get in the end mate cheers :headbang:
Hi my friend your blue ammy is a prize plant, outstanding man :jointman: and the Remo, well...she's done you no favours has she!! Can't win them all :cheers: that killer blue probably eases the pain... gonna check out how they finish flowering and what you get in the end mate cheers :headbang:
Thanks mate nice of you to say :d5: but really she did most of the leg work, I just keep her fed and watered :crying: yeah it's a real shame about Remo though, she has some great looking and super frosty buds, but as u say, u can't win em all :cuss: it's quite lucky actually that she's quite small and thin, as my tent is so packed there wouldn't of been much space for her if she was any bigger.

I shouldn't really complain, it's better to be full than empty :rofl: thanks for dropping by and stay safe out there :pass:
Week 12
Blue isn't too far off now :woohoo1: I hope anyway. I can still see mostly clear trichs still, but she looks to be getting a few ambers on the leaves so shouldn't be too long now :bow: and @Dinafem-Mark your try description online is most accurate :thumbsup: she has some amazing colours coming through now :drool: I've not had one do this before though, colas look to be finishing at different times and completely different colours on each :shrug: it's a cool look.
Blue Amnesia xxl Day 82

As for the problem child :rofl: I would like to say she's filling out nicely, but at the moment there's not much to write home about :shrug: I can't wait to try and grow her again though, as she is a magnificent frost producer and smells delicious, still not sure what the smell is, but it's nice :crying:
Remo Chemo Day 81 (53 days since 12/12)

Hopefully next update Blue should be pretty close to being ready for the chop :bow: we'll see. Till then, have fun, grow big and stay safe ttfn :pass:
Day 88
Blue Amnesia xxl Auto

One down just old finicky bollocks to go :crying: Blue has been an absolute pleasure to grow, topped her early on and then pretty much left to her own devices, you can't ask for more :thumbsup: I'm not gonna guess the weight yet as I'm usually wrong, but I think I did alright :woohoo1: took 4 hours and 2 pairs of gloves to harvest and wet trim, Sooooooo sticky :kitty: I remembered to save the scissor hash this time, first time I've tried it in a spliff and wow :drool: it tasted delicious, if the rest of her smells and smokes as well, I'll be a happy and stoned chappy :headbang:

As for Remo, she's not filling out as well as I'd like, but she's still got a little while to go :toke:
Remo Chemo Day 87
With flash off and on

I'll try and get a few better pics of Remo, if it's possible, in the next few days. Till then Stay Safe and Grow Big :hookah:
Day 88
Blue Amnesia xxl Auto

One down just old finicky bollocks to go :crying: Blue has been an absolute pleasure to grow, topped her early on and then pretty much left to her own devices, you can't ask for more :thumbsup: I'm not gonna guess the weight yet as I'm usually wrong, but I think I did alright :woohoo1: took 4 hours and 2 pairs of gloves to harvest and wet trim, Sooooooo sticky :kitty: I remembered to save the scissor hash this time, first time I've tried it in a spliff and wow :drool: it tasted delicious, if the rest of her smells and smokes as well, I'll be a happy and stoned chappy :headbang:View attachment 1201215View attachment 1201216View attachment 1201217View attachment 1201220View attachment 1201221View attachment 1201222View attachment 1201223
As for Remo, she's not filling out as well as I'd like, but she's still got a little while to go :toke:
Remo Chemo Day 87
With flash off and on View attachment 1201224View attachment 1201225
I'll try and get a few better pics of Remo, if it's possible, in the next few days. Till then Stay Safe and Grow Big :hookah:

Congratulations on the harvest mate :thumbsup:

Time to get those big fat flowers dry and cured :pass:

I'll keep a look out for the Remo update mate :thumbsup:

All the best :bong:

Day 97
Let's start with the good news first, the Blue Amnesia xxl, bloody wow.

I new she was a big lass, but I never thought she was this big, but final weight after drying, was a magnificent 174g :woohoo: so a little over 6 oz :yay: I am shocked and speechless!!!! Without a doubt she has been the biggest I've grown in the 20 months I've been growing :thumbsup:

And now the bad news :shrug: Remo Chemo, since the start she's been a pain in the butt and now just to rub salt in the wounds, she has developed bud rot :doh: which is a first for me :nono:

So I took her down a few days ago, day 97 (67 days since 12/12) the only good news is that it was only the two top buds of the two tallest branches, so I still got a semi decent box of buds :thumbsup:

I can only apologise @Dinafem-Mark I am truly gutted and I feel like I've let you down :grump: but as I said earlier, she may of won this battle, but the war isn't over and I shall go away lick my wounds, regroup and try again :thumbsup: and I won't stand for any shenanigans next time :crying: So till then, stay safe everyone :toke: