Dinafem Remo Chemo (photo) & Blue Amnesia XXL (auto)

It's been 2 1/2 weeks now since I put old stroppy bollocks (remo) on a 12/12 light cycle, an so far, there's no sign of her bursting into flower anytime

Remo has got to transition into bloom anyday now buddy :thumbsup:

For 2.5 weeks in she should be starting to chuck flowers out :pass:

Are the autos now on a 12/12 light cycle mate?

Until next time, stay safe out there :bighug:

All the best :bong:

hey bud what distance is your ts 2000 to the top of the amnesia ?
Hi mate how's it going, at the moment it's around 18in. I would of liked it to be a bit closer, but I had to install it as high as I could at the start of the grow, as I had a 4 ft GSC finishing up. So I've just let grow up to the light and luckily she didn't grow too tall, around 3ft, I have a Blackberry plant that didn't get the memo and is about 8in away, an getting closer everyday :cuss:
Remo has got to transition into bloom anyday now buddy :thumbsup:

For 2.5 weeks in she should be starting to chuck flowers out :pass:

Are the autos now on a 12/12 light cycle mate?

Until next time, stay safe out there :bighug:

All the best :bong:

Hi Mark how you doing up t'north. No it's just Remo that's on a 12/12, I couldn't decide on 18/6 or 20/4 for the autos, so I split the difference and put them on a 19/5 :crying: Remo gets taken out and put in a dark cupboard every night, it's a bit of a pain but it gives the others a chance to breathe out for a few hours :jump:
Week 8
I couldn't wait any longer, Remos leaves were huge and not only hiding her own bud sites, but covering up half of Blues as well :cuss: So for the greater good, I snipped a few off :yoinks: she's started flowering at least, just about :thumbsup: but she's not my best work :crying:
Remo Chemo Day 51

Blue though is still looking really good and is starting to fill out nice, she's just over 3ft, so short but stocky :thumbsup:
Blue Amnesia xxl Day 52

Starting to see a little frost :drool:

Till next time, peace and good grows to all :hookah:
Week 8
I couldn't wait any longer, Remos leaves were huge and not only hiding her own bud sites, but covering up half of Blues as well :cuss: So for the greater good, I snipped a few off :yoinks: she's started flowering at least, just about :thumbsup: but she's not my best work :crying:
Remo Chemo Day 51View attachment 1186776View attachment 1186768View attachment 1186767
Blue though is still looking really good and is starting to fill out nice, she's just over 3ft, so short but stocky :thumbsup:
Blue Amnesia xxl Day 52View attachment 1186783View attachment 1186786
Starting to see a little frost :drool:
View attachment 1186785View attachment 1186784
Till next time, peace and good grows to all :hookah:

That Blue Amnesia XXL is a beast of a plant mate :pass:

Going to be really cool watching her finish up :thumbsup:

Nice bit of defoliation work on Remo :thumbsup:

Keep the updates coming and please stay safe :bighug:

All the best :bong:

Week 9
I just don't know what to do with Remo, at the way she's going I think all I'm going to end up with is, a couple of big colas, well I hope they're going to be bloody big :crying: She has definitely been a funny one to grow, no matter how much I tied her branches down, they just wouldn't go anywhere but straight up :shrug: and as her fan leaves were so big, the only ones getting any light were the very top two. So we'll see what comes of her, I am definitely not expecting much though :cuss: I still have more RC seeds, so she may of one this round, but the war isn't over and I shall be back to battle her again :tang:
Remo Chemo Day 60

Blue is still plodding along nicely and beginning to fatten up :drool: I've removed a few handfuls of leaves, though you wouldn't tell :smokeit:Other than that, it's just a case of feed, turn, wait and repeat :toke:
Blue Amnesia xxl Day 61

One other thing, I have now invested in a bigger tent :woohoo:120x80x180 instead of my old 80x80x160 :thumbsup: so they'll have a bit more room now, or so I thought :crying:

That's about it for now, so till the next time stay safe and grow big :pass:
Thanks Mark, yeah I don't know what happened with Remo though, it's as though she doesn't like light for some reason and just kept making bigger leaves to shelter under :crying: and the way the branches, even when tied down, would just bend straight back toward the centre :shrug: but hey ho, it is what it is, u win some and u bugger some up :rofl:
Definitely not much of a looker, but she's getting super frosty, what there is of her, though I can't quite make out the smell yet.
Remo Chemo Day 70


Also she's had a little friend pop up :nono: am I right in thinking this has grown from one of her exposed roots?

Blue on the other hand I couldn't be happier with :frog: plenty of fat fruity buds, not too big and pretty easy to harvest, everything I want from a plant :crying:
Blue Amnesia xxl Day 71

Well, onwards and upwards, till the next time, stay safe all :hookah:
@The Mugwamp I've said it once and I'll say it again. That Blue Amnesia XXL Auto is a monster of a plant mate :slap:

Getting chunkier every update :pass:

Is that day 70 of bloom for Remo Chemo mate?

I'm not sure that new addition is from the roots. Could possibly in the medium if your using compost? :thumbsup:

Thanks as always for the diary update :cheers:

All the best :bong:
