Dinafem Remo Chemo (photo) & Blue Amnesia XXL (auto)

I started her on a 12/12 light cycle a couple of days ago

Time to see what Remo Chemo can do now she's been transitioned to bloom :pass:

Remo Chemo can be quite a slow strain being heavily indica dominant but we'll worth it :thumbsup:

Keep the updates coming buddy :cheers:

Stay safe out there :bighug:

All the best :bong:

Week 5
Quick Update
So far all is going ok, mostly :coffee: Blue has started flowering and is absolutely huge now :drool: I haven't removed many leaves off her, just the odd one here and there that are covering any bud sites, and there's a fair few bud sites emerging :woohoo: I'll start her on a flowering feed from tomorrow :thumbsup:
Blue Amnesia Xxl Day 35

Remo is 6 days into 12/12 and luckily, is staying quite compact, but once again her leaves have grown too big and are covering the lower bud sites :cuss: I don't really want to remove anymore just yet, maybe when she's properly into flower, unless anyone recommends removing the top ones again now? I don't have any decent pics at the mo :shrug:
Remo Chemo Day 34

It's starting to get a little cramped in there and it's Blue taking up the most room :bighug: she also starts drooping a little, a couple of hours before light off :shrug:
Blue & Remo

And the rest of the gang

Till the next time, peace and good grows to all :hookah:
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Week 6
Had enough of Remo, bloody thing will not do as she's told :deadhorse: So she's on her own, I've untied all the scaffolding and now she can do what she damn well wants :crying: Once again, there's an abundance of large fan leaves :shrug: She's now 8 days into 12/12 and I should be seeing her first preflowers any day :bow: hopefully
Remo Chemo Day 38

Blue is still looking good and drinking like a pig now :pighug: She is getting fed to run off every couple of days and is now on a flowering feed of, GHE Flora Micro 0.8ml/l, Grow 0.4ml/l and Bloom 1.2ml/l with Vitalink Cal/Mag 1.2ml/l and ph'd to around 6.5 :toke: Temp has been quite stable at around 27c but humidity up around 90% :yoinks:
Blue Amnesia xxl Day 39


That's about it for now :hookah: Stay Safe everyone :pass:
Week 6
Had enough of Remo, bloody thing will not do as she's told :deadhorse: So she's on her own, I've untied all the scaffolding and now she can do what she damn well wants :crying: Once again, there's an abundance of large fan leaves :shrug: She's now 8 days into 12/12 and I should be seeing her first preflowers any day :bow: hopefully
Remo Chemo Day 38View attachment 1181540View attachment 1181541View attachment 1181542
Blue is still looking good and drinking like a pig now :pighug: She is getting fed to run off every couple of days and is now on a flowering feed of, GHE Flora Micro 0.8ml/l, Grow 0.4ml/l and Bloom 1.2ml/l with Vitalink Cal/Mag 1.2ml/l and ph'd to around 6.5 :toke: Temp has been quite stable at around 27c but humidity up around 90% :yoinks:
Blue Amnesia xxl Day 39View attachment 1181550View attachment 1181554View attachment 1181557View attachment 1181556
View attachment 1181551
That's about it for now :hookah: Stay Safe everyone :pass:
i wouldnt be able to stop myself taking all the big fans of the top of the remo tents looking good and full nice job :thumbsup:
i wouldnt be able to stop myself taking all the big fans of the top of the remo tents looking good and full nice job :thumbsup:
Hi mate and thanks :d5: I did take quite a few of the top ones off already :shrug: So do u reckon it'd be fine to remove a few more now, or would it be best to wait till she's in flower properly? :pass:
Hi mate and thanks :d5: I did take quite a few of the top ones off already :shrug: So do u reckon it'd be fine to remove a few more now, or would it be best to wait till she's in flower properly? :pass:
i like to defoliate in week 2 of flower and a final light one in week 4 if needed you dont need to go nuts just let some light down to the tops below help them stretch up
i like to defoliate in week 2 of flower and a final light one in week 4 if needed you dont need to go nuts just let some light down to the tops below help them stretch up
Ok mate thanks, I'll try and hold back for now then :crying:
Week 6
Had enough of Remo, bloody thing will not do as she's told :deadhorse: So she's on her own, I've untied all the scaffolding and now she can do what she damn well wants :crying: Once again, there's an abundance of large fan leaves :shrug: She's now 8 days into 12/12 and I should be seeing her first preflowers any day :bow: hopefully
Remo Chemo Day 38View attachment 1181540View attachment 1181541View attachment 1181542
Blue is still looking good and drinking like a pig now :pighug: She is getting fed to run off every couple of days and is now on a flowering feed of, GHE Flora Micro 0.8ml/l, Grow 0.4ml/l and Bloom 1.2ml/l with Vitalink Cal/Mag 1.2ml/l and ph'd to around 6.5 :toke: Temp has been quite stable at around 27c but humidity up around 90% :yoinks:
Blue Amnesia xxl Day 39View attachment 1181550View attachment 1181554View attachment 1181557View attachment 1181556
View attachment 1181551
That's about it for now :hookah: Stay Safe everyone :pass:

Remo Chemo, throwing her toys out of the pram :crying: :crying:

Let's see how she fairs now :thumbsup:

Blue Amnesia XXL Auto looking sexy :pass:

Nice updates as expected, Thank you :cheers:

Stay safe out there :bighug:

All the best :bong:

Remo Chemo, throwing her toys out of the pram :crying: :crying:

Let's see how she fairs now :thumbsup:

Blue Amnesia XXL Auto looking sexy :pass:

Nice updates as expected, Thank you :cheers:

Stay safe out there :bighug:

All the best :bong:

Thanks Mark :thumbsup: Yeah she threw her toys out, and I had a bit of a strop :funny: but we're all friends again. She's actually not looking too bad, now I've lowered my expectations, her leaves are still pretty big but they are looking a lot healthier, not so cabbagey :thumbsup:
Remo Chemo Day 41 (13 days since switched to 12/12)

Blue though is getting a bit too big and could almost fill the tent all on her own :drool: So to say it's a bit of a squeeze in there now, is an understatement :nono:
Blue Amnesia xxl Day 42

All the rest of my plants are Autos and they all start drooping half way through the day, but Remo, she is staying erect and praying to the light :bow:

Thats about it for now, thanks for dropping by and hope you stay safe too mate :toke: it's a shitty world out there at the moment. Till next time :hookah:
Week 7
Quick Update
It's been 2 1/2 weeks now since I put old stroppy bollocks (remo) on a 12/12 light cycle, an so far, there's no sign of her bursting into flower anytime soon :shrug: I was so close to snipping the top fan leaves off earlier, but I managed to hold firm, for now anyway :crying: I was hoping she would of been done in around 100 days, at the most, but I can't see that happening :cuss:
Remo Chemo Day 47

As for Blue, I have no complaints :drool: apart from her getting a little wider than I hoped, she is looking great and is flowering nicely :thumbsup: I've started to remove a few of the fan leaves, mainly the ones covering any bud sites I'll probably remove most of the bottom ones over the next few days or so :toke:
Blue Amnesia xxl Day 38

Starting to see a little frost :woohoo1:
:wall: I need a bloody shoe horn to get em all in now :crying: oh well, it could be worse.

That's about it for now, till the next time :hookah: