Indoor Red Bad Betty and ICU#2 Bx

hmmmm. Sati looking!!! Far to early to make a call yet..


The sati ones i have now, are the tallest. I think they will yield less, as the buds haven't filled in the same.
I'll have them up for pics soon here.

agreed its way to early usually the leaf go through a huge transformation after the first and even second set

and watch those ones the "look" like there not gonna fill out thought that about the last bad betty and she exploded on me it was a treat.
agreed its way to early usually the leaf go through a huge transformation after the first and even second set
Diamond head tend to be the more Sati..square head the Indy.
It is an optical illusion created by the internodal stretch.

Good stuff and i tell ya dogs do know best. Its things like that others dont pick up on that can make the difference in a fantastic cross. She knows something is up there so she goes for it every time. There IS a reason for that. BUT if she starts chewing on Roxi i may be a bit concerned :no:

Roxi is hanging up in the bathroom..out of the way...:D
I'll be keeping the mainstem for the dog though.

Roxi is the most Fungus smelling girl I have had.

Have a great weekend Bro....:smoke:
Diamond head tend to be the more Sati..square head the Indy.
It is an optical illusion created by the internodal stretch.

Interesting and ill have to keep that in mind as i am searching for my special gal

Roxi is the most Fungus smelling girl I have had.

Interesting and should have some nice offspring, like you said a pocket full of dreams.
i cant wait on the smoke report on her and the late great bobbys girl and Dragons.
Little bit of an update.

This week i have finally fully finished the main part of the project. Now its just the loose ends to tie up. New vent system is in place. Added a 650cfm carbon filter to the exit side of things. Also opened up the plumbing from 4" to 6" to allow better air flow. The changes made a 4 degree temp drop so i was pleased. My temps are already good but the less i have to run the AC this summer the better.

Now on to the seeds, planted 3 Red BB and 3 ICU bx all of the seeds germed. So that was a nice surprise, the 3 red bb are uniformed they all have started with the same leaf structure and are healthy. 2 of the ICU had bad stretch issues and i think that was of my doing. I saw it and got it corrected to keep the other one from getting impacted. So all in all i have 4 new seedlings.

Ill post pics tonight as i have slacked on this with this run. So as soon as i tie up the loose ends ill be back in full force. Besides i have a few new tricks to bring up.
Good to see you mate.

Can't wait to see'em :D

ahh thanks my friend good to be back, just been busy over here.

But as promised here are the Red BB and the One ICU Bx
all seem to be doing rather well. and the BB seem to be really uniformed as of right now.


group RBB & ICU far right.

Looking good. Mine never got that tall while putting on their true sets. Then again, I'm flooding them with LED light. Hopefully they'll stretch out a bit when I switch to HPS, I want some light to get to the inside. But your's are looking great and healthy.