They must have known, i came back to a pleasant surprise thats for sure.:thumbs: When i saw what they had done while i was gone i had to
get the camera out. Its almost like some of that cold weather we went through got sent back here and she went all purp on me.
I need to bring this from beyond the grave......been a while but ill end it with this.
There will be more to follow and im getting in to the cold storage for the next run. Its time to bring ALF out and play.......
and she smokes as good as she looks. Had someone test it last night that only smokes here and there. Needless to say they had to sit back down when they stood up. :twist::twist:
jus wicked to RASS!!! FINALLY! GOT PURP?!!! The wiz has blessed u....I promise u I will start my bb on my next run....beautful plant FD...
as for me, I got 4 sourjems f2's @ 28 days, 5 ak's & 5 pinkbuds @ day 35..<these 10 were all stunted,{late transplant/new pots arrived 1wk late!} so this is purely a seed run! (I did double pot em' up though in 22oz cups....! your method)
now that the RBB has had a little quiet time to cure,have you partaken of any of her nugs? is the MFLB the best way to enjoy this ,personal preference aside,is the vape the best way to enjoy the flavor of the bud?
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