...reboot time, now under it's true name Phyter!

Evening check finds a small piece of rot just starting......very tiny. Performed partial budectomy, sprayed some soda water on the area.
Not really in a hidden area. It's not in an area that wouldn't get hit. It COULD be very new growth.
LOL! I do think it was not there last night. I do pretty much know this girl VERY well. We are very close!:eyebrows::biggrin:
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So I mixed up some more Phyter at dusk and sprayed both with 2l. Sprayings are going to be every third day.

Every third day may go to every other day if the big Haze keeps bushing up that has really started to increase quite a bit the last couple of days. Unlike the little one, this one is beginning to take the form that comes to my mind when ya say Haze...............I don't know how to describe it, but kinda like fine leaf bushyness fattening up! LOL!

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That's exciting and cool, but it makes me nervous as hell! LOL!
I still haven't ruled out putting one of my shop fans out there! I used to supply my customer's electrical power at the drag strip when I held a track day or attended an event with my customers. I've got some expensive extension cords..............good write off!:eyebrows:

If you can safely get some air circulation on them, it will definitely help Bill, especially after dark when the winds drop off and rh and dew point start being a problem.

Now time for Phyter here. Dam near forgot till i read ur post .. :d5:
If you can safely get some air circulation on them, it will definitely help Bill, especially after dark when the winds drop off and rh and dew point start being a problem.

Now time for Phyter here. Dam near forgot till i read ur post .. :d5:
Yeah, I was just about to add an edit about the timing on the use of the fan. I'll have to check the load on the low setting, but if it will reach, it should handle the distance easily.
Good thing I could remind ya!
WB, have a look right there by the wire you have on it there's a brown patch there jumped out at me as soon as I saw the pic and it looks like that's right where you removed from. :thumbsup:
I'm spraying the Phyter every third day with the bud growth on both and new leaf growth on the big Haze, that's as long as I feel safe..............without going too nutts! LOL!
The top of the big Haze after her morning Phyter misting. I missed the really nice shot with the way the sun was hitting the Haze and the big pine in the background. It was really pretty.............and not because I wuz really lit.:biggrin::eyebrows:
Damn cloud covered it up before I could get back to my phone. I know! Never leave your camera behind when working your girls........ I wuz :baked:

IMG_20210827_072708588_HDR (2).jpg

She's getting a very nice middle section developing.
DAY 87

Don't know why that pic shows a lighter green. The first pic is a good representation of the deep green color.
That brings up a question. At day 87, it's almost my most long-lived......Linda Seeds Gelato 33 @90days.............but she was well faded.
The oldest fan leaves are dying off. I'm pretty sure it's an age thing and not nutes. I can't see it being a nute problem with the robust color of the new growth. I trimmed the first and oldest about 5 days ago. It's just a couple a day and it does seem age related.
School me!
@Phyter :jointman: Hey Bryon, how ya doin'?

OK here's the first girl in this season! This is Early BlueBonic x S99v6 (auto, version 6)... her behavior was pretty much like an auto outside, early sexing, started blooming around week 4. I wasn't expecting her to do this, but after talking with the breeder of EBB, he said paired with an auto, as an F1, she might have truly auto'ed, but likely not,...more like because the parent EBB is already a very fast normal photo hence the very fast cycle.
EBB is known for good mold resistance, no idea about the S99v6 though, and who knows what the F1's are really like with little data to go on there...

She saw foggy nights nearly every night, a few drizzling nights too well into bloom, usually a total kicker for the rots! As you see, the top is fat and congested in construction, also a recipe for troubles,...
This pheno wasn't the best, stayed rather leafy but did improve significantly late in the game.
I pulled the main totally apart, and found only 1 tiny early rot-spot, and one tiny spot caused by a stinking budworm :eek1: (bastard rolled up in a leaf, dodging the Bt sprays!).... That's it! :clapper::greenthumb::clapper: - between Phyter and her native (apparent) resistance, she finished very clean! :bow: :thanks:

Meantime, the late season is starting to get going finally :doh:.... Weather has been actually "normal", first time in 4 years... No multi-heat waves by this time, no fekking fires and ash-fall, and all that crap... Sept-Oct is out best weather here, but it's not uncommon for a light rain spell to come through during this time. That's what usually starts the Mold Wars here for me! So fingers crossed for good finishing weather, since most of these girls will be 2-3 weeks off timing vs a typical year, even for the WLD hybrids.
3 Sativa-dom's are going, but one is an semi-auto, well into bloom now and should be done is a few weeks. The other 2 are very Haze dominant, Doors x Orig. Haze, which have shown very unusual bloom speed in other grows, so I gambled on a try of this exceptional cross... they will be the real test I think, 9-10 weeks out yet! But we'll see,... Garlicane and Cherry WiFi make dense resinous buds, have shown pretty good mold resistance but as you know every pheno' is a gamble! They are 7 weeks out I think, maybe a bit sooner....

Notable: usually foliars cause some tip browning of the pistils, but Phyter doesn't seem to cause this :thumbsup:

@Phyter im just going to use your product I was sent a sample a while ago when it was called rotblock so I have some unused in a tub and was wondering how long the shelf life is I also sent you a pm regards tom
Great looking plants guys. Whistles
:toke: Hey Bryon, how you doin'?

Here's the next girl due in, 3 weeks or so I figure... This is a semi-auto hybrid bred by La Buena Hierba, ChemD/Sour Diesel x auto Sour Diesel Haze, so a lot of Sati'-dom characteristics in her including more open structure buds... Some of his genetics are tailored to OD growing, by this one is something of a mystery so her native resistance is as well...
So far, I found only a couple tiny spots, tips of a single florets only that browned out and dried up... :greenthumb:

Here's the tarp gang... sprayed just after taking the picture. It was wet n rainy yesterday, so didn't want to spray in the evening, so waited until today.

Been applying once a week to these 3 .. Red Mandarine will be finished by the end of the month me thinks. while EBB X CS (front) and Blackberry Gum (hidden in the back) will be halloween treats. EBB x CS is more sativa leaning structure, where the Blackberry Gum is a tight indica bush. I wouldn't give either one much of a chance to finish without help from Phyter.
I'll be very very happy if either of those finish. If they do finish, I'll be singing the praises of Phyter to anyone who will listen. :woohoo:

And I got'z to admit.. it isn't easy spraying buds with water
:rofl: It seems so wrong :smoking:

tarp 9-06.jpg
I'm spraying the Phyter every third day with the bud growth on both and new leaf growth on the big Haze, that's as long as I feel safe..............without going too nutts! LOL!
The top of the big Haze after her morning Phyter misting. I missed the really nice shot with the way the sun was hitting the Haze and the big pine in the background. It was really pretty.............and not because I wuz really lit.:biggrin::eyebrows:
Damn cloud covered it up before I could get back to my phone. I know! Never leave your camera behind when working your girls........ I wuz :baked:

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She's getting a very nice middle section developing.
DAY 87
View attachment 1359870
Don't know why that pic shows a lighter green. The first pic is a good representation of the deep green color.
That brings up a question. At day 87, it's almost my most long-lived......Linda Seeds Gelato 33 @90days.............but she was well faded.
The oldest fan leaves are dying off. I'm pretty sure it's an age thing and not nutes. I can't see it being a nute problem with the robust color of the new growth. I trimmed the first and oldest about 5 days ago. It's just a couple a day and it does seem age related.
School me!
Love those skinny leaves! :biggrin: :pighug: