Tina hooked me up with a sweet deal on another Pro II Epistar 320 and it shipped today. Along with a free Par 38 lamp. The current one and the one on the way will replace my bad boys in the 5x5. Lets see what two of these 320s can do in the 5x5!

Blueberry Crumble is up and out.
That sounds pretty hectic :smoking: Hope to see that.
yeah if you stand over your seeds with a string and hop on one foot, while shaving a dead chicken and singing an old Irish folk tune you can tell if they will be male or female HAHAHHAHAHA I crack myself up

@Dudeski plant more beans than you think you need and you can always cull any that don't make the grade.
yeah if you stand over your seeds with a string and hop on one foot, while shaving a dead chicken and singing an old Irish folk tune you can tell if they will be male or female HAHAHHAHAHA I crack myself up

@Dudeski plant more beans than you think you need and you can always cull any that don't make the grade.

Yeah dman I didnt say I believed that myth now!! Imo your set up and how the beans were made factor into male/female ratios... Not indents on the bottom. LOL
Thanks rebel, its an honor to just get help from the experienced people here! Me n eyes found each other soon after we got here. Then star and we just been rolling along ever since. But star is a ringer, she done this shit before! Lol, I cry about all the time ive wasted not growing
@Rebel Mind if i chime in on the m/f ratios?

Something i have noticed and not 100% of the time....but when i plant 2 to a pot, and @A-Train can attest, i usually get one of each. Its almost like life finds a way, have i had 2 males before yup and i have had 2 females, but more times than not one of each comes along. I have seen the idea of the volcano theory but i always forget to look before i germ and by the time i remember theyve split already.
Yeah dman I didnt say I believed that myth now!! Imo your set up and how the beans were made factor into male/female ratios... Not indents on the bottom. LOL

oh I know lol I was just giving a random exaggerated example of some of the DUMB ass shit I have heard over the years of telling male or female, or being able to change it at the seedling stage. like a pH of such and such will make it fem, or the temp of the sun(yes literally) I have always found it all as funny as Dudeski really shaking his chicken's foot at the seeds(which is fuggggin funny as HELL)
@Rebel Mind if i chime in on the m/f ratios?

Something i have noticed and not 100% of the time....but when i plant 2 to a pot, and @A-Train can attest, i usually get one of each. Its almost like life finds a way, have i had 2 males before yup and i have had 2 females, but more times than not one of each comes along. I have seen the idea of the volcano theory but i always forget to look before i germ and by the time i remember theyve split already.

#lifefindsaway FACT!!!