I can be witty every once in a while lol

Bro you're mad funny!! Lol you crack me up plenty!

Here's a quick couple shots of the Sister D and Sugarbaker....




They are all between 28"-33" tall... Very happy with this crop!! Soon as the photos go to bloom and the other side f the 5x5 opens up I'll be dropping the SD F2 for the first time!! Ow ow ow!!!

I have given them their first small dose of Cal/Mag. The SD and SB are starting to show signs of cal/mag deficiency. Eventho they are under the bad boy they are still in the zone of the LED so... I hope I'm not jumping the gun here. We'll see.
I'm so stoked!! We have 2 Sugarbaker females!! The top middle one. And middle row on left. These are the two largest so I'm very happy. The sour diesel (bottom row on left) has also popped a pistil. That was feminized. So 3/9 confirmed females. Here's them today.

