Sister Discipline 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 going into week 5
SD 1_7-21-16 1.JPG

SD 1_7-21-16 2.JPG

SD 2_7-21-16 1.JPG

SD 2_7-21-16 2.JPG

SD 3_7-21-16 1.JPG

SD 3_7-21-16 2.JPG

SD 4_7-21-16 1.JPG

SD 4_7-21-16 2.JPG

They grow up so fast don't they? :pass:
All caught up and looking great Rebel

Awesome! Thanks Bailey!! *sharing one*

I agree with wow! My first words were holy shit....:biggrin:

Lol thanks dudeski!! Really appreciate it brother!

*sharing one*

Forgot to note... The White Widow has popped out. So all the led kids are up and running. To refresh on that... Under the led we have 4 x Sugarbaker, 2 x Tangi-Matic, Sour diesel, Gigabud, and White Widow.