New Grower Raoul-Duke's First Grow, Northern Lights Auto, LEDs, Late Start


Also, when branches get too high, squeeze the branches between your thumb and index fingers, up and down the stem, then fold them. Do one by one, and make all the plant have an even canopy. Like you see on the pic here.

Definitely going to use some LST next go, possibly even some topping. Just gonna let them do their thing this time and see how they grow more or less naturally. Next grow my plant is gonna look Frankenstein's monster. :muahaha::jointman:

Thanks for looking in. Cheers
Yeah, I usually wait until I see white pistils on the buds, like the buds look white. Just gave my White Cheese bloom food for the first time today...

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For sure!!!:face: started em way too eary! Just after they started showing sex after week 4. And I didn't ease into em either, just completely switched. :face: Know better for next time!


P.s. Nice plant!!!:greenthumb:
Don't take my spot on the couch!

Don't worry @Z_Bop I'm saving your seat!!!

....aaaaaaand totally off thread.

Great photos of the ladies, @Raoul-Duke. I love seeing lots of pictures, even though I seem to refuse to do it myself.
This is one of the times that time seems to pause for me; close to harvest.
I'm excited for you! Thanks for doing a great journal!

Thanks. I'm really trying to cover all the nooks and crannies of this grow in this journal to help me with the next one, to help future new growers (maybe some experienced ones too), and who doesn't love more bud porn!?!?! :smoking: It's definitely a little extra work getting the pics taken but I've found this whole exercise has kept me super excited and focused. Definitely counting down the days til harvest haha! Thanks for the :vibes:.


Definitely going to use some LST next go, possibly even some topping. Just gonna let them do their thing this time and see how they grow more or less naturally. Next grow my plant is gonna look Frankenstein's monster. :muahaha::jointman:

Thanks for looking in. Cheers

Tag me when you frankenstein your next grow. I was thinking about the same, since I have no real experience with training really. Do some topping and lst, supercrop, grow it out of a toilet bowl, upside down and hydro.......shits and giggles :pass:

Barbara is puttin on weight now, looking nice