New Grower Raoul-Duke's First Grow, Northern Lights Auto, LEDs, Late Start

Nice looking plants my man. They will fill out nicely
Happy 420 everyone!!! (may have passed already for some)

Today is day 75 for Lucy and day 65 for Barbara. They haven't grown much since last update about 3-4 days ago. Lucy is at 25" and Barbara is at 28", so less than an inch in that time. Here are some images from this morning. :jointman:

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So today we fed them both 10 ml bloom, 2 ml grow, and 3 ml cal mag per gallon. They were fed a gallon each. I pulled back on the nutes this week because I noticed what I think is a little tiny nute burn. After watering I did some more defol and noticed a couple lighter lower leaves on Barbara so she still may need more N. I noticed the tips of some pistils turning orange, should I be breaking out the microscope soon/getting ready to start the 1-2 week flush soon? I imagine I'm not, but any ideas on weeks left? Temp was a little warm today since temps outside are getting warmer and had a slight malfunction with the extracting duct. After fixing the duct issue the tent is sitting between 27 and 29 celcius at 40% RH.

Here's some more images I shot after feeding. :smokeout:

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As always, tips, comments, questions welcome! Here's one from me to all of you!:pass:

You and I are in the same boat by the looks of things, the 100 day marker, for same strain / different breeder
your girls do look good tho, remember those days, just waiting for them to explode in size, and any day now brother.... any day now
You and I are in the same boat by the looks of things, the 100 day marker, for same strain / different breeder
your girls do look good tho, remember those days, just waiting for them to explode in size, and any day now brother.... any day now
This post gave me goosebumps hahaha. :pass: Any day now for sure!
Hello fellow AFNers. As you can see by the title this is my first real grow and I'm pretty excited about doing a journal even though I'm starting it a little late (better late than never). In any case, any and all tips are still welcome and maybe we can all learn something along this journey.

Before I get started I feel it's necessary to give a shout out to my gardening assistants/partners in crime/moral support:
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The wife is okay too (i suppose).

So I guess I should start with my set up:

2'x2'x4' tent
4" - 175 cfm extractor fan
4" carbon filter
started with two 70 watt LEDs off amazon
now using Mars II 400 LED
Northern Lights Auto x 2 - Crop King Seeds
2 x 3 gallon pots with trays
promix bx
1 x 6" clip on fan
1 x 4" oscillating fan
ph tester
ec/ppm meter
botanicare pure blend base nutes
botanicare cal+mag
gh rapid start
and other assorted tools and doo-hickeys like ph down and such
also using regular tap water

Let me know if you think I forgot anything (thinking about this list hurt my brain).

Okay now that the boring stuff is out of the way, let's get you all caught up on where we're at.

Day 1 for the first Northern Lights, let's call her Lucy, was Feb 5. Her First two weeks were pretty much a nightmare. I made almost every noob mistake possible; over watering, fluctuating ph, temperatures below 16 Celsius(about 60-61 Fahrenheit), humidity above 90, and no nutes until about week 3(apparently I thought I was growing in soil? classic stoner move). Unfortunately, I don't have images from this far back but you can see from the first set of images below that after 20ish days, Lucy was not off to a good start. By the first week I had lost hope and popped the second bean in and she sprouted Feb 15. Let's call her Barbara. So Barbara had some different issues. In an attempt to counter the over-watering issues I had with Lucy, I ended under-watering Barbara for the first week or so and I was still battling temperature/humidity issues. These were all noob mistakes that I just needed to learn for myself. I'm actually quite glad I had this experience because I'll have this knowledge for future grows.

Now that I've gotten everything right where they should be the plants have taken off and doing quite well. Heat with lights on is 24-27.5 celcius(75.2-81.5 farenheit) and it never goes below 20 celcius (68 farenheit) with lights off. Humidity usually stays between 35 and 45 (been between 45 and 50 since the wife decided to turn a humidifier on the other day; still okay though).

They are now both 16-17 inches and it looks like some nice bud sites forming. Most of the calyxes have hairs growing out of them except for a few of the lower ones that were around just as both plants were recovering from their bad starts so I'm a little concerned they might be hermies but I could just be over worrying. Other than that they look good to me. Noticed small cal defs and quickly upped the calmag and havent seen any more issues.

I'd also like to add that I started using the rapid rooter after the first 2 weeks or so when I realized Lucy and Barbara weren't doing so hot. I'm not sure if it helped or whether it was the fact that I was dialing my setup in more but the plants started doing much better after. I stopped giving the rapid start once pre-flowering started at about 4 weeks.

So that's about it I think, Lucy is at 58 days from popping out of (soil) or 8 weeks and 2 days, and Barbara is 48 days or 7 weeks tomorrow.

Please, questions about my set up, any comments, and tips are welcome or just stop by to pass around a joint and maybe grab a pint.

More updates to follow.

cheers R-D, first grow!, I'll be back when I got some time
looking good in here these girls gonna go for 100 days or more what breeder is the genetics iv been looking for a good NL auto

I second that, I was thinking of doing a NL for grow 3 alongside some Mephisto. Wasn't sure who to go for as a breeder. Maybe I'll try them!

Keep up the great work man!
I second that, I was thinking of doing a NL for grow 3 alongside some Mephisto. Wasn't sure who to go for as a breeder. Maybe I'll try them!

Keep up the great work man!
i think that sensi seeds has the closest NL to the original but i dunno what there auto genetics are like. i did see that dutch passions sister company seedstockers does a NL and anything got to do with the dutch crew is always killer
It'll probably take a few rounds before you're able to turn the tides and get a few good punches in. Looking good so far.

Hermies suck
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I wouldn't mind one, never happened to me. I'm gonna start playing with colloidal silver one of these days! [emoji121] (been saying it for about 6 months

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I grow so many sativa dominant plants that when I walk in my grow room in the morning I can hear them whisper "sleep we don't need no stink'in sleep"

@Slater I figured out how to stay in my own threads, I just keep a list in my sig.

Check out this Zambeza WW XL, about 40 inches tall on about day 56.

Should be noticeably bigger every week from here on out.

Current Diaries
Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze
Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.
Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo's continuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.
She looks so amazing! You'll have collas that go from your hand to your shoulder! [emoji7] [emoji76] [emoji178] [emoji122] [emoji122]

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