New Grower Raoul-Duke's First Grow, Northern Lights Auto, LEDs, Late Start

You feeding at full strength now?
your girls are looking happy still - great work
Ya i have. I think it was too early for Barbara(the younger one) since shes getting the yellowing near the bottom. Ill check on em soon to see how theyre doing. My bloom nutes have a little N in them and ive been feeding with calmag that is 2-0-0 so theres a little in there too but obviously not enough for Barbara. Thought id bring that up since im sure our nutes are different.

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Hello everyone. Been drinking so this update may seem incohesive. Anyway, nit sure what day were at, fed Barbara today(she needed it). Gave 5ml calmag, 12 bloom, 5 grow per gallon. Gave 5ml calmag, 15 bloom, 2 grow to Lucy yesterday. Did some minor defol on Barbara on the yellowing leaves today. Barbara grew over an inch since Tuesday and is now officially 2 feet. Lucy is just under 23 inches, so they're both still growing. No pics yet cuz they were still puting their makeup on. If im not too drunk when i get home, pics to follow.

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Hello hello! :pass:

Well we're due for an update I think. Lucy is 71 days from sprouting today and Barbara is 61 days old. Lucy has grown to 2' (24") and Barbara is laughing at her at 26". Today we did some more defol, fed them both about a gallon with 5ml/gal calmag, 12ml/gal bloom, and 5ml/gal grow.

Here are the girls lovin' life: :growing:


So Barbara(61 days) had a couple leaves at the bottom that were very light green so I removed them, as well as some others near the bottom. Kept the same feed as last time, maybe she still needs more N? Anyway, she's still been growing about a half inch to an inch a day, so not much room left! :wall: In any case I think she's looking good.


So Lucy (71 days) got a little more grow this feed (same as Barbara). I notcied a couple yellowing leaves at the bottom and figured she could use some more N. I also fed them at the same time toay and mixing the feed was just easier, plus it happened to work out quite well, since I decided they both needed the grow nutes. She's not growing nearly as quickly as her sister but she's still growing!!! She's also packing on the buds quite nicely, the anticipation is starting to kill me.


Here's a picture of them side by side. When they finally get their make-up on, they look gorgeous!!!


Well, that's all for today. Let me know what you think. Questions, concerns, tips, general talk, always welcome. :smokeout: Hope you all had a wonderful weekend, happy Easter if you celebrate it, warm wishes if you don't. :vibes::baked:

Cheers, :cheers:
So I read somewhere that if you cant raise your lights, you could turn down the wattage of the light to help with light stress. Right now ive got the veg lights and the bloom lights going on my Mars II. Should i maybe turn the veg lights off? Think that might help or just keep doin what im doin? Thoughts?

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If your leaves are looking more lime than a dark green, I highly suggest throwing more nutes at them, especially some more N.
I had the same problem not so long ago.
Leaves were looking pale, after a feed or two with full nutes and darkened up in no time.
Explosive growth followed