New Grower Raoul-Duke's First Grow, Northern Lights Auto, LEDs, Late Start

Fed them both today. 1 gallon each at 10ml(just over half dosage) bloom and 3ml calmag. Water was 220ppm, +feed was at 722ppm.

Pulled off 2 yellowing leaves from Barbara and it looks like Lucy has a little yellowing going on at the bottom as well.


Here's Lucy:


Here's Barbara:


And here they are together:


Thanks for stopping by! :pass:

Very impressive first grow!! Just read through all 15 pages, great work!! I will be following along.

Thanks for dropping in! :vibes: always appreciated. Grab a seat anywhere you like, but don't take @Z_Bop 's spot on the couch, he's got a good ass groove going. (Note to self: pick up more bean bag chairs).:pass:

Cheers :cheers:
So I'm stressing out a bit :eek1:. Just got home from work and pulled like 8 more yellowing fan leaves between the two plants.

Here's an example of the leaves:


So I did a little research; looks like it could be magnesium/phosphorus/nitrogen/possibly all three? Maybe I have a ph problem?

Try posting in "The Infirmary" forum. I think a few coming off here and there is fine.
Soil pH should be between 6.0 - 7.0
Not familiar with magic-water-weed-giant-bud-bucket things pH.

Edit: just saw your other post. You're in good hands now
Try posting in "The Infirmary" forum. I think a few coming off here and there is fine.
Soil pH should be between 6.0 - 7.0
Not familiar with magic-water-weed-giant-bud-bucket things pH.

Hahaha! magic-water-weed-giant-bud-bucket things... nice! Ya i posted in infirmary, we'll see what people say. I could just be over worrying like I normally do. I'm in a soiless medium so I think my ph is supposed o be somewhere between the two or something. Kept seeing 5.8 come up in forums. Promix website says anywhere between 5.5 and 6.0, though they didn't specify that it was for marijuana...
Hahaha! magic-water-weed-giant-bud-bucket things... nice! Ya i posted in infirmary, we'll see what people say. I could just be over worrying like I normally do. I'm in a soiless medium so I think my ph is supposed o be somewhere between the two or something. Kept seeing 5.8 come up in forums. Promix website says anywhere between 5.5 and 6.0, though they didn't specify that it was for marijuana...

Whereabouts on the girl were those leaves from bro, the lowers? You're well into bloom dude, the girl thinks autumn is near so you will be losing leaves from here on out which is completely natural, starts from the bottom and will work it's way to the top. No additional nutes required.
Whereabouts on the girl were those leaves from bro, the lowers? You're well into bloom dude, the girl thinks autumn is near so you will be losing leaves from here on out which is completely natural, starts from the bottom and will work it's way to the top. No additional nutes required.
Hey thanks for the reply!!! Waira seems to think it could be early P def, which I think I sort of agree with. Im getting red stems, the leaves get stiff, brown blotches on leaves, turning yellow. And yes the leaves were indeed at the bottom. I could be completely wrong though.

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