New Grower Raoul-Duke's First Grow, Northern Lights Auto, LEDs, Late Start


This ones for you and AFN buddy!
Today is day 83 for Lucy and 73 for Barbara. Barbara has grown to 29 inches lol... so that's just under an inch since my last update, I think 2-3 days ago. Found one or two lightly colored leaves but nothing I'm totally worried about. The nutes I'm using are organic based (not "organic") so I think the plants react a little slower than say, synthetic nutes, but I think things are shaping up. Noticed a little more nute burn (probably a cause of the slow organic nutes) so I've decided to reduce the feed back to a half dose ( chime in if I'm wrong about any of this), which will take place probably tomorrow, or the day after at the latest.

I've recently grown a curiosity in adding some supplements (besides calmag) to my grow. I was wondering... since I'm doing a half rec doasge of bse nutes, should I also be doing a half dosage of my supplements? Any help on this matter would be excellent. I think I'm going to try at least a bloom booster (I plan to try botanicare's hydroplex) for this grow and probably incorporate a few more in the next (thinking liquid karma, etc.).

Appreciate any feedback. Have a good weekend everyone!!! :pass:

Hey dude looking good so far...If my laptop would let me see the pics better.
Don't worry about those noob mistakes... thinking your growing in soil is good one though...I put 2 seeds in the same plug on my first... the hazards of being a stoner.
Subbing up :pass:
Same laptop problem...!
Is it better if i leave the images as an album at the bottom of the post? Is there anyway to inclue the enlarhed image and the album?

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At mine i do upload the whole´s just the router or the laptop......gave my laptop to a friend @L0wbob2017 and he fixed it and it runs.....