Seed Stockers Rambo goes full autopot. Amnesia, powerplant, blackberry Gum.

dont go beating yourself up,kick the imaginary dog,it works for me.
a few growers here like to push a plants nutes hard,and are allways on the edge of having burnt tips and clawing leaves.a super dark green.cant think of names off top of my head.but thats their styles and they get great results.
in theory a proper grower should be reading their plants and feeding accordingly.a schedule to most folk is a happy medium that they dont get defs/toxs and get a resonable result.some have a schedule and make a few tweeks to it now and again.
you doin a great job,nice growing so keep at it.

Hey archie. Thanks for the comment. Its like a whole new world from my perspective. The way i read your message is like its natural, you can do as the normal grower or the normal fitnessguy, the guy playing tv-games and doing it just sometimes and the normal person would be avarage on all those things after a few tries. But if you put your mind to something and really try to understand how and why and then puching the limits, that is when you become better then the average guy. So, i have to read more and understand how and why, and then when i understand how everythings work, i really mean everything, then the only thing you cant do anything about is the genetics of the plant. You can slow her down, but you cant grow her faster then her genetics allows you to.
Shit, i smoked to much today... haha

Thanks for the support archie! Wont be any huge, perfect plants this time, but they will deliver a good harvest i think. The best thing with this grow was all the things i got my eyes open for. Whatever yield i get, it wont be better then all things i just discovered and learnt.

@Ryker604 yea, was asking you. Hahaha, that happens when you're little stoned and have open couple of journals. Thank you for answer.

Sorry for "spamming" here, @RamboGarden.
Btw, you use RO water? I am on 1.6 EC at the moment (RO water), without BB and OD... So should go above 2.1 when I add them into solution. Seems little high in theory. We'll see...

No problems, ask or write how much you want. If the question is for me im using tap-water with ppms of 76 or Ec of 0.152. When i measure my Ec i measure the total amount, including tap.

Right now they having 1.7 in total ec, if the girls grow like it looks like they are doing i have definitely underfed them. I will know in 5 hours.. i will raise the A and B tomorrow if they are okey, but just 50 ppms so we dont get a couple naked plants :pop::cheers:

The Ec, or the mix of nutrients is not the same between manufacturers, so just if someone goes 2.0 with his ec, doesnt mean you can do it with your nutes, and offcourse the other way around. You might need it stronger. What nutes are you using?
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Advanced Nutrients nutes here. Or better say AN Bloom with BB and OD, nothing else.
NPK is not the same, yes. But EC is EC and is the same. Example: you just need to add 19ml nutes, and I need to add 388ml nutes. We get the same EC then.
The nutrients inside the bottles is different. For instance lets say i have:

Me you

N6 N5
P2 P4
K8 K10

So i belive different nutes have different Ec of where the plants are happy. Im pretty sure im correct about this. If you added 20 ml of just PK boost and i added 20 ml of base A and B to reach 1.8 in Ec, i think your plants would suffocate and burn their leafs, while my ec would be balanced and spread out on the different salts. You have to take into consideration whats in the bottle, not just go by EC. Different bottles, different mixes of nutes, or else there would be only 1 company selling nutes.
The nutrients inside the bottles is different. For instance lets say i have:

Me you

N6 N5
P2 P4
K8 K10

So i belive different nutes have different Ec of where the plants are happy. Im pretty sure im correct about this. If you added 20 ml of just PK boost and i added 20 ml of base A and B to reach 1.8 in Ec, i think your plants would suffocate and burn their leafs, while my ec would be balanced and spread out on the different salts. You have to take into consideration whats in the bottle, not just go by EC. Different bottles, different mixes of nutes, or else there would be only 1 company selling nutes.

Surely that is correct? EC is a measure of how much is in there, not what is in there I think?
Advanced Nutrients nutes here. Or better say AN Bloom with BB and OD, nothing else.
NPK is not the same, yes. But EC is EC and is the same. Example: you just need to add 19ml nutes, and I need to add 388ml nutes. We get the same EC then.

Surely that is correct? EC is a measure of how much is in there, not what is in there I think?

Yeah, exactly its a measurement of the total Ec, not whats in there. Thats what i wrote. Different nutrients requires different Ec depending on whats in there. The Ratio is different. Or else i could just feed my plants magnesium at 1.8 EC and have the same growth as if giving 1.8 EC of A and B base where it is alot of different nutrients. Different nutrients = different EC of whats best for the plants.
The plants react different if giving 1.8 EC of my nutrients or 1.8 Ec of your nutrients, as there are different salts inside. How big difference i dont know as i have only grown with the nutrients im growing.
I just wanted to give a heads up to @KonopCh that not give the strenth of EC as somebody using nutrients from another company.

If im wrong, i want to know why exactly and where im wrong, as i love to learn.
Here is how far we come in terms of budding




They are at a hight just over the meter now, so for me they can just stop grow tomorrow morning and start to put all their focus on their buds.
What do you recon guys? How much more before they settle. Been growing 4-5cm a day for some time now.
I have re-raised EC to 1.9 just now. Bubblegirls is okey but early is hungry.... will try max as good as i can with bubblegirl so we dont starve early to much.
Agree with you here. But... we don't know ideal ratios of NPK. In veg we need more N, in flower we need more PK. But ideal ratio is unknown. It's 5-5-9 or 6-2-11 or 2-3-4 or 5-16-83? ...
It's best to read plants.And stick to one nutrient line and get best possible outcome from it. Because if you change nutrient line each grow you'll never know what is "best" or better say "better" for plants.
Agree aswell, better to learn one brand in the time. Did you raise your Ec? I have two phenos. I said i would try to max out to see how strong i could go with bubblegirl as early was hungry. I upped the rez to 1.9, then in the middle of the night i upped the food to 1.95, took a joint and watched them for 30 minutes... early loved it, she was the happiest she have been in 10 days, while bubblegirl started folding/cramping, so bubblegirl maxes at 1.85-1.9 and early wants it atleast 1.95 - probably 2.0-2.1? Not sure how i gonna solve this..... ill go check your page @KonopCh