Question about Ocean Forest Nutrients

Feb 27, 2022
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I have a soil question. I used Fox Farm Ocean Forest (FFOF as I’ve commonly seen it abbreviated) for the first grow and plan to use it for the upcoming grow. I have a full bag leftover that I bought last year. It’s date stamped 6/something/21. It’s been sitting in my carport since I bought it last year. Question is; should I treat it like a new bag and not feed for the first three weeks? Or have the nutrients been depleted from being exposes to all the temperature and humidity changes over the past year? Thanks in advance for any help.
Not sure about you but when I buy my soil it’s sitting outside at the garden center on pallet. The stores around me keep it outside so what would the difference be if you bought a new bag?

From my understanding if the bag is in good condition( no rips) then the soil should be good. I’d use it as normal and just watch the plant
Not sure about you but when I buy my soil it’s sitting outside at the garden center on pallet. The stores around me keep it outside so what would the difference be if you bought a new bag?

From my understanding if the bag is in good condition( no rips) then the soil should be good. I’d use it as normal and just watch the plant
The bags I bought were actually sitting indoors. I got them from a smaller gardening center but I see your point. I’m probably going to use it if it looks ok after opening. I could spend the money it would take to buy a new bag on nutrients instead. Thanks for commenting.