This is a wonderful " thing " you have made.

Well its been a belting few days this week, the babies have spent the last 2 days out in the garden/greenhouse, and the nights in the shed under the lights. (I've been following the sun round the garden trying to use the shadow of next doors trampoline net as a shade cloth haha)
Night temps are climbing. Lows of 11 so i'm hoping the worst is behind us now.
Next couple of weeks weather doesnt look too bad either, so i think the next real nice spell we have will be the time they go out.
Probably try cover them on a night to try gain a few degrees.
So far so good :headbang:
Day 10-14 for the girls today. You'd think it was mid summer with the weather we've had. Seedlings have been out for the majority of the week barring the nights.
The tangie (day 14) still hasn't caught up with the others, she's doing ok but doesn't seem as happy as the rest.
Au([HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG])day 11, & sk#1 (1) day 13, seem to be the most vigourous so far...
Here are the roots. Nothing spectacular yet but the pruning has begun.....some more than others.....
tangie has barely poked through. But what has looks healthy

I decided against putting all 5 in the bed at once and instead potted the tangie & sk#1 (2) today in 11ltr air pots, in canna terra. I'll just feed these as normal.
Figured i would save some space in the bed for a little later in the season. The 2 AU will go in & the remaining sk#1, probably next weekend.
And they're out. Weather looks shit next week so i decided to get them out in the sun for a couple of days before it turns. My little venom cuts have started to look lively so if they can do it i'm sure the autos can.....hopefully lol. Days 14-15+16 (Au,Au,sk#1) for the girls, day 1 in the greenhouse :)
the other 2 (sk#1, tangie) are behind still, been in the pots 3 days now
Cheers mate. Covering the smell is one thing i'm not 100% about. Last year the garden stank, 'luckily' every man and his dog has got something going on round here so i hope it just wafts away with the rest lol. But i do have some mint in the bed thats really gone wild this year, i'ts poking up all over the bed and smells real fresh when i sit in there. I've also heard garlic is a good choice plus i hear it is a natural pesticide so i may plant some of that too. Also someone on AFN suggested to me sweet peas. As they give off a sweet smell, i'm also going to try grow these up and around anything i can to try disguise whats really going on in the garden. Was also thinking of making a wooden planter box with two sections in it. The back section i would grow bamboo or something like that and in the front at the base of the bamboo i would plant the autos/photos.
Hiding in plain site is my aim this year
Not much has happened over the past few days but it was nice today so took some snaps.

Also i planted the last 3 sk#1. I've no rockwell cubes so i just used net pots, i've used them in the past to prune the roots early and it's worked well so far.

So now i'm out of seeds as quickly as i got them lol
I've "pre-ordered" my next lot per say.....that is, they're in the basket until i get to bank tomorrow to put the funds in