Had to make it two post as too many pics lol
outdor photos just beginning life...

And the 'guerilla girls' pics are two days apart after nice hot weather. So far there are 3 spots all of which are just off a track mainly used by cyclists with hedgerows, bushes, small wooded areas and fields all to the sides. There's also a stream that makes it's way down the track also. If things should go well i'll add to the spots and/or find more.

This spot is a little clearing off the track nice and secluded. Hard for even me to see and I know it's there lol.

this spot is down a steep bank of the track in the midst of a nettle field. I can't see our lass up on the track from here nor can she see me so we know it's faily hidden.


The third spot is the underdog spot and we chose the runt to put here. Just on the other side of the trees/hedge but in the open on the other side. Hopefully it will blend into the background from the field side. But if not so be it.
I figure i'll plant 3 seeds every 3 weeks and go from there..so probably around 10-12 all at different stages. Plus the photos. It's tricky because I want as many as possible without arousing suspicion from the neighbours lol i'm waiting on my order from seedsman. Next i have coming are... gluberry og, colarado cookies, brooklyn sunrise, night queen, s.o.d.k. and freebies that iv'e forgotten lol but 6 seeds, 2 strains anyway
Had to make it two post as too many pics lol
View attachment 904316 View attachment 904317 outdor photos just beginning life...

And the 'guerilla girls' pics are two days apart after nice hot weather. So far there are 3 spots all of which are just off a track mainly used by cyclists with hedgerows, bushes, small wooded areas and fields all to the sides. There's also a stream that makes it's way down the track also. If things should go well i'll add to the spots and/or find more.View attachment 904323 View attachment 904319
This spot is a little clearing off the track nice and secluded. Hard for even me to see and I know it's there lol.

View attachment 904322 View attachment 904318 this spot is down a steep bank of the track in the midst of a nettle field. I can't see our lass up on the track from here nor can she see me so we know it's faily hidden.

View attachment 904321 View attachment 904320
The third spot is the underdog spot and we chose the runt to put here. Just on the other side of the trees/hedge but in the open on the other side. Hopefully it will blend into the background from the field side. But if not so be it.

Looks good mate. From my experience, farmers usually concentrate on the tractor rather than it’s surroundings, unless the ones round here are just blind!

They cut the trees back right next to my grow a couple of years ago. Didn’t seem to notice a thing. [emoji16]
It's a beautiful monday morning to begin the week on....coffee....girl scout cookies....and the bazing sun....it's not a bad life really :cools:

Everything is looking happy & healthy (aside from au#2, but shes sitll alive lol) the two in the ground have made some movement but nothing to shout about really. I think i'll order some more au in the next batch as i'm a little gutted i wont see her full potential this time round....but lesson learnt lol.
Threw some wood chips about too, greenhouse looks much tidier and migh help with keeping last year plants/flowers at bay lol
tangie @ sk#1 @ days 35-36..3×sk#1 @ day 14
au#1 day @ day 33
sk#1 @ day 35
au runt @ day 33
and my venom cut, her other 4 sisters are the "guerilla girls" but she was the healthiest looking so kept her here for the garden. Aside from repotting i've pretty much left her be.

Also had an email to say my seeds should be here tomorrow :baby:
:vibes::goauto:peace people.....happy growing......
.........forgot to mention, i decided i did have an MG deff so got myself some epsom salts. Put a small teaspoon into a 2 ltr bottle of RO with a couple of ml of rhizo...(400ppm)
Filled a 500ml spray bottle and sprayed every two days (i did this twice) and used the remaining in the bottle for the soil......i don't see any progression so i 'think' i did good :biggrin:
A few pics from the past week,
I've been pretty busy so i've not really spent much time with the girls. They've been left to their own devices all week, aside from a water and been put in & out, morning & night...
I'm deffinatly re-trying the ultimates as i know full well i've fucked these up by stunting them early but the one in the bed is a trooper. Leaves as big as my hand and shes only about 8 inch tall max...i'll grow them indoors and see what i can do.
Planted 1 of the sk#1 in the bed in a better position for the sun too,
although the plants in the soil arnt as big, they do seem healthier than those in the pots (aside from venom, thats in bed soil too)

We did manage to get down the track to see what has happened over the week.
The clearing spot is fairing the best so far.
Well would you believe it....the post came early :smoking:View attachment 906100
SODK was on my short list, I look forward to seeing how those do... and everything else, of course. Great looking grow you have going!

Kind of as well as a SIP system I believe. No drain tho the water would just wick up threw the pots and plants. Put an empty tube in one corner with an easily removable cap so you can see your water levels. You can cover entire thing with black plastic and cut holes for the plants to sit on top of as well. The pots should be about an inch into the pellets and the water level should be about an inch below the pellets.
It was quite a long journey, actually... there are a lot of ways to do it and some work better than others, just like life.
