cheers Q!, your greenhouse soil looks inviting. Be careful, and remember, invisibility the tool of pagan survival:d5:
Cheers mate, i'm hoping the girls feel the same about their new bed once the time comes. Wise words on the stealth part. I'm planning to grow some climbers around the greenhouse. It's 85% skylight anyway so i wont be loosing any side light. Plus the rest of the garden will be blooming. So im hoping i can hide in plain view again :eyebrows::thumbsup:
Look who's joined the party :biggrin::biggrin:
no sign of the ultimates yet though......
i got worried this morning they're not gunna pop so stuck the last bean in some tissue...i want to make sure the last ones a deffinate grower :greenthumb:
Hey Q dude! Looks like you’ve got a nice place of business there.

The main problem I’ve seen with greenhouse grows in the uk is bud rot due to humidity. I’ve known peeps to rig up PC fans to car batteries to blow a bit of air around, but that’s not a problem yet.

I like to do mine totally al fresco. They get wet but the air circulation sorts it pretty well. Used to grow them in my back garden until some friendly police officers moved in next door, then I had to go guerrilla styleee! [emoji41]

Best of luck with the grow bud, I’ll tag along if I may... [emoji1365]
Hey Q dude! Looks like you’ve got a nice place of business there.

The main problem I’ve seen with greenhouse grows in the uk is bud rot due to humidity. I’ve known peeps to rig up PC fans to car batteries to blow a bit of air around, but that’s not a problem yet.

I like to do mine totally al fresco. They get wet but the air circulation sorts it pretty well. Used to grow them in my back garden until some friendly police officers moved in next door, then I had to go guerrilla styleee! [emoji41]

Best of luck with the grow bud, I’ll tag along if I may... [emoji1365]

you not got rid of those neighbors yet... when you find out what works on those pests please tell me, got a bother in law with the same blue condition. Told my sister my house is on quarantine, we don't want to get the blue nasty's round these parts.

Hey @Quentin3176 hope you don't mind me pulling chair up for this show but I thinks it could be rather a good one... I would love to grow in my back garden but I got secondary school at the end of it so I'm just not going to take the chance on that one... Loving your space for growing.
Hey Q dude! Looks like you’ve got a nice place of business there.

The main problem I’ve seen with greenhouse grows in the uk is bud rot due to humidity. I’ve known peeps to rig up PC fans to car batteries to blow a bit of air around, but that’s not a problem yet.

I like to do mine totally al fresco. They get wet but the air circulation sorts it pretty well. Used to grow them in my back garden until some friendly police officers moved in next door, then I had to go guerrilla styleee!

Best of luck with the grow bud, I’ll tag along if I may...
Yeah that was m
Hey Q dude! Looks like you’ve got a nice place of business there.

The main problem I’ve seen with greenhouse grows in the uk is bud rot due to humidity. I’ve known peeps to rig up PC fans to car batteries to blow a bit of air around, but that’s not a problem yet.

I like to do mine totally al fresco. They get wet but the air circulation sorts it pretty well. Used to grow them in my back garden until some friendly police officers moved in next door, then I had to go guerrilla styleee! [emoji41]

Best of luck with the grow bud, I’ll tag along if I may... [emoji1365]
Not thought of the car battery idea you know vlad. Cheers mate, gives me more options. I do have a single socket extension in there that i used to power a little water feature pump before it was turned into my grow bed. I've got one of those office tower fans that i plant to sit at the back blowing towards the front when the time comes. I used to use it indoors but it was ruthless to my little plants haha
Here’s a link to my Big Kush mission last year and the year before...

Big Kush Outdoor Guerrilla in the U.K.

To be continued. [emoji41]
I'll take a gander. Any tricks & tips on growing in this climate are more than welcome :greenthumb:
you not got rid of those neighbors yet... when you find out what works on those pests please tell me, got a bother in law with the same blue condition. Told my sister my house is on quarantine, we don't want to get the blue nasty's round these parts.

Hey @Quentin3176 hope you don't mind me pulling chair up for this show but I thinks it could be rather a good one... I would love to grow in my back garden but I got secondary school at the end of it so I'm just not going to take the chance on that one... Loving your space for growing.
Not at all mate sit down, spark up and lets go :pass:
Evening stoners
Well we've had a couple of nice days of late so the girls have had a couple of hours a day out in the greenhouse. The tangie looks abit of a runt considering it was the first up.

Auto ultimate [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is the first to show a tap root. The cubes are raised about an inch off the tray using a grate to let air flow under. Once the tap root grows through it's air prunned causing the root above to shoot out more and more roots each one being air pruned also. Basically topping your roots. They'll spend another week or so like this.

they got a very light veg feed with rhizotonic r/o water earlier. 250ppm. Just to make sure there's something in the rockwool.

Also dug 5 holes in the greenhouse & preped with some canna terra, figured it would be a bit of a safeguard for the seedlings. Drenched the holes with my aquarium water & molasses again
The cheese cuts dont look to be doing too bad either considering they've been pretty much neglected.