Indoor Qbgrowers perpetual grow in a 4x4 with 480w of Quantum Boards

Hi folks.

Mixed up my soil for the next grow.

  • I am using 17l fabric pots with probably 16l of biobizz light mix.
  • Directions say 2 tbls of grow amendment per gallon of soil. I added 6 tbls per pot.
  • Each pot was watered in with around 4l of dechlorinated water.
  • Allow to cook for 10 - 14 days

I will be germing the seeds later tonight or tomorrow. Going to run a hubbabubbahaze but the other 3 spaces are up for grabs.


Nice! I used:

  • 20l fabric pots (Easyfeed) with 15l Biobizz Light Mix
  • Mix in 6 x Tablespoons of Living Soils wormcasts and 6 x tablespoons of Living Soils grow auto and water in
  • 5l dry Biobizz light mix on top
  • Plant seed directly in to the dry light mix and lightly water
I used this approach to avoid the cook but to be honest its not much hassle doing the cook as its doesnt really dry up over the 10 days required.
Not managed to transplant them yet. Had a little fungus gnat (little bastards!) problem that I think I've solved by using mosquito dunks tea a few times and a few sticky traps. I also plan to remove the first inch or so of topsoil and add new soil during transplant. Nematodes are in the mail and will be added to the soil once they've arrived.

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Hi folks. Been having a little problem with fungus gnats the past couple of weeks. I've hopefully managed to kill the little bastards with a combination of Mosquito Dunks, sticky traps and removing and replacing the first couple of inches of soil. Nematodes are also in the mail so i'll fire them in once they arrive to eat any that are left over.

All four have been planted up in to their final 15l smart pots. The holes were sprayed with some mosquito dunks tea and watered in with the same.

Gelato 41, Hubbabubbahaze and Kosher Cake are all growing really well. Purple Punch is a little behind the rest so I planted her to the side of one of the pots and may add another if she doesn't pick up the pace.

Hi folks! Took some pictures last night at day 13. Lights were switched to 20/4.

Gelato 41 and Kosher Cake are just pushing forward. Two of the fastest growing strains I've grown so far.

Hubbabubbahaze is growing well and not far behind. Not worrying too much as the Mango Haze grew similarly compact in the beginning then just exploded around week 4.

Purple Punch is the runt of the litter. She's not growing much at all and she's got a weird patchy light green colour. I'm hopefully going to get involved with the upcoming Mephisto and/or Dutch Passions grow 'n' shows so will let her go till then and see how she is.

Hi folks. Been busy with life and haven't updated in a couple of weeks. Everyone is on Day 28. They will all be getting a top feed of two tablespoons grow amendment today.

Gelato 41 was topped and LST'd a little. She's growing well but looks like she is a bit hungry.

Kosher Cake
was topped and LST'd too. Growing well and showing no signs of deficiency.

Hubbabubbahaze has been LST'd. Looking a bit skinny but if she's anything like the Mango Haze then she's not far from exploding.

Purple Punch growing relatively well. Little bit of LST but nothing major. Leaves look like Basil.

I'm a contender in the Seed Stockers Grow 'N' Show and voting closes Nov 6th. Head over and see who your favourites are.

Not managed to transplant them yet. Had a little fungus gnat (little bastards!) problem that I think I've solved by using mosquito dunks tea a few times and a few sticky traps. I also plan to remove the first inch or so of topsoil and add new soil during transplant. Nematodes are in the mail and will be added to the soil once they've arrived.

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Interesting you had fungus gnats. I use the same amendments and had fungus gnats for the first time.

I was into flowering so have been letting the top dry out and used sticky tapes of Amazon. Has not got rid of them but there are hardly any now - traps working well!
@Qbgrower i have now had a deficiency using this approach for both of my grows which has happened around day 38 which is early flower:

I am using the current schedule that living soils have on their website without the rockdust.

Be interesting if you see the same issue but livingssoils advised me to use less grow in the next grow. So either use less in the initial mix or omit the 2 x tbls of grow at the end of week 4.

Livingsoils have been really helpful and sent me free dolomite lime but also a remedy mix - cant fault them for their support.