New Grower Purple Jems first auto log

J1-3 are at about day 40 and outside full time. Beer bottle for size reference.

J1 Not sure how much longer I got before he starts dropping pollen. I'm not entirely sure how I'll collect it either.

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J2 Looking good and purple.

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J3 the tall lady she is much taller then the rest and green.


And J4 the little gal she's about 23 days old 4 inch-ish pot for size reference. She is under a t5 24hr

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At about 7 weeks with the older three. They are moving slow in the winter green house. I think I'm just going to leave them in 1 gallon pots to limit size. I do not think I have enough good sunlight to get them huge. I've been feeding bio bizz bloom and grow in a compost tea.

J1 My big purple boy. As he stretched his purple faded a little but is still quite purple and tall.


J2 My purple girl. She is smaller then the other two but she's very purple.


J3 My green girl is showing a little color underneath and is the tallest, has the thickest stem and is starting to flower up.


J4 was neglected in a make shift box with very little ventalation. He grew balls quick under the T5 24hrs. When he got burnt by touching the t5 I moved him out side. Only to realize he's dropping pollen already!


I want to collect some pollen but need help. When are the sacs ready for harvesting? it seems if I wait too long they'll open and drop their load. The few I've busted open early have no pollen in them yet. The couple that were open on J4 I rolled between my fingers over some foil and got a minute amount of pollen. I then tapped it into a vial and dumped it in my lap. I have read a few threads on collecting pollen but I can not tell if I need to wait for the sac to open or just before then. what's the easiest way to gather the actual pollen?
Take a bit of paper and slap the balls a little if they are ready to burst they will.
Take the pollen in a pure and clean plastic bag or glass bottle or something.

Take some flour and bake it for 10 to 15 min on 150 degrees in oven. mix together with the pollen at least 50/50 might go 70/30 % as well.
Take a few corns of rice in the container to prevent humidity.
At about 77 days. It's been chilly, days are short, and I have probably been under watering/feeding them but here they are.

I'm seeing Trics recently so that is good.

J1 is the tall boy in the middle. J3 is the tall girl on the right pushing just a bit over 2 ft. J2 is my small oddity on the left just at a foot tall.

J2 Is SO dark the pictures show it well but she is DARK. Although I just realized I can not see any hairs (Or sacs). She's developing flower looking sites but no hairs. Starting to crystal up a little. Would love to know what's up with her.


J3 My tall girl is turning purple as she goes. She is starting to get some decent flowing sites.


J1 My tall boy is getting crystals. I am noticing although the flowers seem to be opening I am not seeing any pollen and J3 still has all white hairs so I know they are not pollinated yet. And they are next to each other in a fan.

Quick update w/Question...I'll get some pics up soon

I've had one lady (J2) out in the green house and just moved her to under an 18/6 MH. Is there anything I should be concerned about in that type of late flower transition? Other than bringing something from the out side in.

On with the Update: Going on week 14. Not much sun still it seems like I've watered them twice. It's cold enough that they do not appear to be using any water/nutes.

J1 My purple male. Leaves are totally purple but I have had no luck with collecting any pollen off him. He does appear to have pollinated J2. I topped him but I think due too the cold not much pollen has come off. I just brought him inside today, hopefully get him to drop a little more for me.

J2 My green Girl has turned DARK purple in the buds. I saw a little something sticking out and after a little poking an immature seed fell out. She is crystally and bulking up, I just brought her inside and put her under the 18/6 MH 400watt. Hoping to get those seeds to develop all the way. She was getting dripped on and I was worried about mold out side. I just hope the extreme light change does not affect her too much.

J3 The mean budded girl. She is super purple but has not developed at all. Flowering has never really kicked in and she is tiny but there are crystals. I'm letting her ride it out in the green house. mostly to see what happens.

J4 My green Male. I did not leave him in the greenhouse and left him neglected on a shelf. He dropped quite a bit of pollen despite staying quite short, and I was able to collect some for later experiments. Yesterday I noticed the neglect had called in aphids and into the compost bin he went.
J1 in all his glory


J2 looking good


J3 Still trying

J4 no pictures were taken
The wrap up:

J1: I brought inside to a window but rot from out side had set in and he just shriveled up.

J2: When I noticed she was getting wet I moved her under a 400w 18/6. The stress hermed her and I chopped. I may get a couple of bowls off her. She does smell nice. The one immature seed seems to be the only one.


J3: I left her where she was getting dripped on and she rotted. There was plenty of trics but no flowers or seeds that I could tell. Very pretty purple.


And I guess that concludes wet weather, frigid temperatures, and no light growing. Over all they preformed stellar all in all at about 14-15 weeks now.