New Grower Purple Jems first auto log

There was a beautiful day here so I brought the little ones outside. They liked the greenhouse so much more than the light this is where they are staying. I need to work on some things in the green house to keep fog/moisture at bay but that shouldn't be a problem till they start flowing which should be soon. :jump:







Stems are thickening and the burn never got worse. Hope I didn't slow them up too much with that and the sudden transplant.
Hope I didn't slow them up too much with that and the sudden transplant.

I would say, judging by thier structure and age, they are about to hit thier major vertical growth spurt within the next week. Be ready for some rapid growth my friend. :thumbs:
Torch404....I'm glad you have got them pulled around

you know is such a common mistake..people try to over Love them..and it is bloody disasterous.

This is Gardeners Lore..for ALL Plants..

Baby plants get baby soil..Proper seedling compost..or Potting compost....

BUT..don't feel bad..I Killed my first you are doing better than I did...:D

healing karma sent...:wiz:
Here's a pic of the trio today:


Thanks for the good Karma Wiz and Roller, it paid off may I introduce: Lost in a tub of dirt J4 (That little red mark is a poorly drawn arrow pointing to the sprout):

tub.jpg j4sprout1.jpg

And J4 repotted right into the same set up I have the rest in, one gal pots amended soil bottom 1/3-1/2. FFOF and spent soil on top of that.




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The day's have not been as nice lately and J4 has shown no real growth outside. She looks happy but I just don't think she's getting enough light. The others do not seem to be putting on major growth but they are growing. I've brought J4 (about 7 days old) inside under a T5 on 24hrs. I hope the switch in light hours will not bother her.
J1 has developed very tiny balls with tiny purple checks on them! Getting a purple male my first seed would be a dream come true! I'll have to give them a little more time to see for sure. No sex signs on the others although I am past the normal 14-21 days for sexing, may be they are being slow cause it winter.
We've seen a few sunny but short days here.
I fed them all a little compost tea today.
J1-3 have been in the green house which is good cause it's frosted twice in the last week! They are all about 6 inches tall.

J4 has been going from under a t5 2bulb and outside at 24hr of light, for having no growth going on a week I saw a little push outwards this morning. I think J4 is adjusting to the soil, I gave her a couple drops of roots excelorator with her tea.
My pictures of J4 haven't really turned out, she is still on her first true leaf set. I did leave her outside for a bit and then started the 24/0 so I don't know if that is messing with her.

J1 Showing off his new set. They are small but the next node up has a smaller ball so I'm fairly sure it's a boy. There are little purple checks on them. Don't want to get my hope up till they get bigger.

j1 balls.jpgj1-7.jpg

J2 Is now standing on her own and I'd say her trunk is straitening slightly. I could not get a good pic but I believe I can see some tiny hairs.


J3 I can see the hairs pretty sure she's a girl.

Everything had a little droop and was not quite green enough for my liking. I hit the plants a couple days ago with a half strength Bio Bizz Grow and they all perked up and greened up. As they are hitting the end of week four I gave them some grow and bloom this morning. After watering I realized I'm American thus metric impaired; I have been figuring there are 5 liters in a gallon not 4. Here we go again...hopefully being older and hungrier it will only help :thumbs:
My boy J1 from the top and bottom. Got some purple :jump:


J2 my beautifully purple girl

J2 (1).jpgJ2 (2).jpg

J3 My green girl, her early vigor is still strong and she is mush taller and has a thicker stem then the other two.


Purple boy and one green, one purple girls. Perfect seed combo in my opinion:D They have responded well to feeding nutes, I am thinking of leaving them in 1 gallon pots, at 4+ weeks I'm not sure if it's too late to transplant again, although they are moving slow.
looks like their doing good now.