Indoor Puff Puff Pat's 2nd Grow - Mephisto SLxSB and Rocbud Inc Grape Rolex

SLxSB Day 28
Well we're at day 28, and it looks like Stevie has decided to start flowering, we got ourself a girl


Looks like I'll need to start adding some flower nutes next feeding.

And a shot of the three of them:

Funny, this whole grow has been pretty much on cruise control. I haven't been nearly as stressed as I was during grow #1. I suppose that's not too surprising, given I've got one grow under my belt, and the fact that I've got a supply of great bud now!
GR #2 Day 1
So my wife has pretty much taken over this grow except for feeding. Since today was feed day, I went down to check on them and found this:

GR #1 is up and looks perfectly normal!

GR#2 on the other hand, is all kinds of messed up. But she's still growing (kinda) and green, so hell with ot, let's see what happens:

The big shocker for me is Stevie. Holy crap, she's shot up like mad in the last couple of days. She looks a little deficient in something so I've upped the nutes and started adding Bloom nutes to the mix. Still looking super good:

Completely off topic, but I've been looking for a better that gets better gas mileage than my Excursion, and after a month of looking, I stumbled on this for $1800:


An 06 Volvo S60 T5, high miles (196000), but in really good condition inside and out. It'll need tires and maybe 200 bucks in repairs to pass inspection in June. I'm loving the turbo 5 cylinder, and since it's a Volvo, the cops don't look twice at it.
Update on all three
Wow, I've been horrible at keeping this updated. Not sure what day they're on, too stoned to add it up :baked: ! I think Stevie is around day 48, GR 1 is 22 days and GR2 is a week less.

Stevie has blown the hell up, already waaay bigger then Bubbles or The Mayor. I'm loving the Mephisto genetics I'm thinking I'll get a nice haul from her. I've tied her main stem down a few times to keep her in check.

I think GR 2 got a little stunted from underwatering, but she's bouncing back now:


The biggest surprise is #1. I've been waffling back and forth the whole grow about just pulling her, but she's starting to show some vertical growth, so I'll keep her going. I won't see much from her I'm guessing, but it's only a little bit of water and nutes, so might as well.


I'm going to really try and get in at least weekly updates.
SLXSB Day 56, GR #1 Day 30, GR #2 Day 22
Time for another update! Man, this whole leaving them the hell alone method is killing it.

Stevie's rocking along and starring to frost up. I figure I'm looking at another month at least. Which is a bummer, since I'm down to my last two nugs, maybe 2 weeks left. I'm definitely impressed with the Meph genetics growth wise:

Both the GRs are finally starting to move, the funky #1 is almost as big as #2. So big strides there.




I'm sure I'm going to get a good haul on these three girls.


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Hey PPP, the big one looks like it’s been battling nitrogen toxicity, as the claws at the end of those leaves show. Make sure you are backing off of the nutes, at least the nitrogen on that one. Plants in flower typically become less tolerant of the same N levels. Glad to see the little one bouncing back! Keep on trucking, brother!
SLxSB Day 67 - GR#2 Day 41 - GR#2 Day 33
Once again, been a little (Lot) lax on updates. You're right about the nitrogen toxicity @Iriee Vibez I cut her off feed for a while and did straight water last week, and it looks like I yo-yo'd her the other direction, as there's a bit of yellowing on some of the leaves. I've cut the growth nutes by 2/3 and am keeping the flowering nutes at full strength, we'll see how that goes. I think she's finally done with the stretch, thank God, since both GR's are going into flower, space is getting super tight in my 2x2! Not a bad problem to have.

I think the top buds have at least a couple more weeks, but there's also a fair amount of larfy stuff inside, and around the perimeter. Depending on how things develop I may end up doing a staggered harvest, but it's still a little too early to tell. She's probably twice as big, if not more, as both plants combined from my last grow.

Here's some pics of her:



You can see the yellowing, but overall it's not too bad. She's frosting up quite nicely, and I'm thinking I'll get a good harvest from her. Since I'm out of everything from the last grow, I could use a good return to make sure I don't hit another dry spell!

As I said, both the GR's are starting to move into flower. #1, the freaky little thing, that i thought would amount to nothing is getting big, and has some big ass leaves going on:

And GR #2 is right behind her, with a little more typical plant structure:


I probably should have done a little defoliation, or tucking to Stevie, but on the other hand, leaving her to her own devices, other then daily watering and food every couple of days has been very effective in promoting nice growth that I didn't have in my last grow.

It's going to suck, not having any smoke tor the next few weeks, but I'm gonna leave them alone this time and not jump the gun like I did last time!