Dutch Passion Project Night Queen phenohunt timelapse - Coco in Alien Easy Feed System

Quick update, nearing the end of week 3 flower, sleep time photo-shoot.

Haven't done much lollipop'ing yet. Nothing much to lollipop on the smaller ones, while I'm letting the biggest plants grow the lower branches a bit more so I can harvest more potential clones. This morning before leaving for work I blasted them with a very strong foliar feed, including B1, Kelp, Fulvic, Yukka, Rhizotonic and Boost. All very low doses except for Kelp, fulvic and B1 which I hit hard. I really don't mind if they burn a bit, I prefer supercharging the cells to prepare them for cloning shock & recovery. Even still, Night Queens are strong feeders and I've been on the light side, so I doubt they'll stress much.

This will be the last foliar spray of this "season".

Remember this run is not about performance but finding my favourite. I know it's the one that exhibits a very acute citrus/sweet/fruity smell around week 5-6. This smell will often dissipate into a more pine/spice/earthy overotones, but that citrus/sweet smell at week 5-6 is the undisputed king of the Night Queen pheno ;)


Top contenders are the 3, left to right, in the center row.




I really hope this is the one … outstanding girl this one …


I'll be switching from MH to HPS this weekend. Blue spectrum has done it's job, now time for some added red to pump those nuggs proper. Not that the surrounding LED's aren't contributing with reds, they are, it's just that my favourite girl of the bunch is right beneath the MH HID… it was the best compromise between overall light spread and plant spread. I only have a total of 1400 watts total running here, 600 of those are HID dead center.
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yeah appologises groff ive just seen what lvl your working at pal.

i see what you mean about the gravity freeding thing now. is that a re-circ system or is it run to waste?

appologises for my ignorance but im a firm beleiver that coco should be run to waste as you quite rightly mentioned coco can be be gravity fed so it sucks in all the shit so even if their is a a 2cm puddle at the bottom of your coco its still abosorbing unwanted shit and fuking up the medium

idealy in a recirc system id use dripper rings and top feed so when you do a fresh weekly res change your actually flushing the old shit out instead of pushing it back in lol ...

obviously set the timer on your header tank to run 20mins every hour or how ever long you think your plants need and sit back and chillax. the thing i like about straight a b c nutes is you dont have to chase the ph either so growing can be as easy or as hard as you wanna make it

what you thinking of doing to up your game? id make a few simple changes and note the differences

. ive grown night queen in the past mate im pretty sure my diary is still around proper fatt indica leaves and deffo a nice hitting kush. if i remember rightly she was citrusy lemons but the lems werent screaming more of a sweeter lemon with citrus skunk undertones real soft smoke with heavyweight capabilities. im a big fan of the lemon kush but i like the hard smelling screaming sweet citrusy lemon that transtions into petrol fumes makes your fuking teeth zing bro lol sfv og or osd cant go wrong with a good og
yeah appologises groff ive just seen what lvl your working at pal.

This system is similar to autopots SB, except it is much simpler and "fixes" some of the problems. 1 main rez on a timer and 12 pots. Not run to waste. When I first did coco I did run to waste at a meticulous 10-15% run-off. This is my third run with this system and I see absolutely no difference whatsoever between run-to-waste and direct feed. Bottom feeding most of the way (except early veg of course), but once in a while I will top feed with a juicy bio-organic mix, including myco's / bateria, amino acids, compost tea, kelp, b vitamins, etc - that and also a once in a while foliar feed with similar juices. I am indeed looking to complement the hydro with the bio.

Not following a rigid top-feed or foliar regime, but I am on the bottom feed as it's the main source. And that is the simplest as it can be. A&B, pH and that's it (pk shot early and late flower), as I often need to leave for a week or more, so I want my main rez to be as clean and stable as possible. (350L at a time)
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yeah man sounds pretty laid back trying to mix coco with autopot feeding and im not sure how you could tweak that set-up to get anymore from it ,once you got your shit dialled mate your pretty much set for anything although i reckon their are better ways of crossing coco with auto/feeding and hydro as i mentioned earlier and potenially bigger yields.

been looking at bigger things myself its called the green-man system


the amount of combos you can have with just that 1 system is crazy hoping to run 1 later on...

if you did wanna have a go with genesis and any pk booster you choose ive got a feeding chart for you

all the best with the pheno hunt pal just a shame dp dont do more reg seeds....
Really nice thread groff. I enjoyed reading it, and I'm really liking your style. Subbed up for the rest. Nice setup and nice plants man!
End of week 4 flowering (28 days) - another night time shoot. It's just near impossible to take a decent shot with LED and HPS lighting mixed.


Switched that center 600w HID from MH to HPS, for some added reds. Bud production burst into turbo mode.


As predicted, foliar feed toughened them up nicely without burning. Found my 3 favourites and took some clones last sunday. The left row on the tray is the one! Already letting out those amazing fruity/sweet aromas, no spice for now, no musky undertones, just plain fresh sweetness... The other two are very strong competitors, lets give them a week to see how they become…

This is them today, a week since cut. Hope they root lol … then off to a reveg


I didn't snip the tips. I know it's standard procedure but it just feels "wrong" somehow... If they'd start yellowing, then yeah, absolutely. Otherwise, they're the best for photosynthesis. One week under a dome, daily sprays and waterings, always praying for light… still no roots in sight, though I only checked like 3 or 4. Hope to get it right this time round, fingers crossed lol… Been giving them a 0.6 EC feed straight from the main rez (diluted), which has a PK bump and low N. Theoretically the equivalent to a starter feed. With a little sprinkle of humic, bacteria, myco's, yukka and kelp. Ran out of root stim so have to invoke mother nature to best do her thang…

Anyway, stretch is pretty much done I'd say.



Today, I treated them to a special top-feed coco bonus. This past week I've been brewing a little compost/bacterial tea. Made a bucket-full of 72-hour bubbled/de-chlorinated, constant 18ºC -20ºC water, earthworm castings, un-sulphured black-strap molasses, beneficial bacteria, agro-myco's, humic and kelp… sorry I didn't take pics but it was an amazing foam show!

Rez almost empty. Around 375L of water and 415ml of A & B, pH up with silicon … Reset for the next 10 -14 days max…


sh!t … ran out of Dutch Pro A & B Bloom… These next few weeks should be very interesting. Going to have to make do with some left over Canna aqua and coco nutes, coco nutes if I'm not mistaken are about 3 years old… Should be a fun experiment.

I just hope those clones root out !
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The return of the Groff! yeh. If you get to Spannabis please come to stand 40 for a quick toke with me ;-)
The return of the Groff! yeh. If you get to Spannabis please come to stand 40 for a quick toke with me ;-)

Graciaaaassss, señoooor Toooooniii … :crying: - sorry, silly evening here at my house tonight...

Will certainly make an effort for sure :pass:


Mid-week 5 flash update…

“… thank you!! … ooh ‘yee photosynthetically active radiation… for these gifts I humbly receive….”





End of Week 5, 35 days flowering, 66 from seed.

EC - 2.4
pH - 5.8 - stable without swings. I rather appreciate swings though
Rez - As predicted 7-10 days … 1x 3/4 feed left for tuesday, so calling it 9 days
Temp - 18ºC - 27ºC
RH& - 45% - 68%
Total light wattage this week = upped to 1890w
Schedule 11-on 13-off -

Forgot to mention that I run flowering 11-on. I may invoke the diminishing light schedule. Meaning from now on reduce 30m to 1h of light time every week. This is supposed to mimic nature in autumn and bring out certain traits. It also “forces” the girls to finish earlier. Still haven’t decided how long I want to run them though, they’re fattening up real nice


Cray spectrum show! HPS pumping 600w on one side, LED’s all around, and this week I added a 130w crappy projector flood light 6000 - 6700k spectrum. The one over that plant to the left. I got it on a temporary loan. All round it’s clear how the HPS zone is considerably under developed after these 4 weeks compared to LED.



This multi-spectrum thing really is a challenge for photography


Gave them their weekly beneficial root tea as described before. This time with proof of evidence *wink*. They responded very positively





Unfortunately we lost a brave soldier… but her sisters still stand strong! Still no roots to be seen. Finger’s crossed.



Sleep tight ladies, don't let the spider mites bite… :eyebrows:






And the smells ! boooy oooh boy!!

Maturation is setting in on my 3 cloned parents. It’s Night Queen’s transition phase. The ultra sweet has changed into a more minty-neutral thing… Even still, boy does it smell. Of course, the other girls with that dankier pheno are dominating the space right now


Probably next Tuesday they’re having the last drop of the current rez. Ran out of Dutch Pro nutes, so will have to make do with left-overs. Canna Coco that’s been lying round for eons. Hope the girls don’t freak out too much with the nute change. IIRC, on Canna Coco nutes NQ plays nice up to 1.8 EC.
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End of week 6, 42 days flowering, 73 days from seed. (pics from sunday the 13th, but I've been really busy so only got round to posting today!)

Whoever still claims LED does not offer good canopy penetration should seriously consider actually doing an LED grow for themselves instead of talking nonsense…


lowest of the lowest budsites


Finally decided. Going to let them run for an extra week, only because I'm busy and away that weekend (that ends week 8 flowering). Harvest will be on the first weekend of March, making it end of week 9. This certainly is an 8 week strain, even though I slowed it down with multiple topping rounds.

If you've been following you'll have noticed that I ran out of Dutch Pro Autoflower A&B Bloom … bloody fantastic nutes, very forgiving and high performance. Had left overs Canna Aqua A&B and Coco from a few years back, and since we're almost at the end of the cycle and all is looking really great, I decided to run those for these last 3 weeks. Essentially, 1 weeks and a few days worth of nutes, then "flush"… I don't "flush" in the typical sense of the term.

So I reset the rez to an EC of 1.7 pH 6.2. Quite literally I eye-balled it. Basically dumped the all the Canna Aqua A&B I had into 350L of tap water, and that brought me up to around EC 1.1.

I then added Coco A&B to around 1.3, and added PK 13/14 until EC 1.7 - The idea really is to "shock" the girls with a typical & timed PK boost for some serious bud fattening action. Technically should could have been earlier, but I did slow them down with training.



And the smell !! Ooooooohhh the smeeeelll !! .. .. ..



I doesn't really look like they've got much of a frost going.. .. but let me guarantee you all these nuggs are outrageously dense and hard already, and the smell is just soooooo overwhelming and strong! I slightly pinch the buds and they are sticky as !""#&%#" !!


This one is starting to signal the end and starting to yellow out.. .. well I'm sorry "young lady", you'll just have to take the PK before you even start thinking about retirement…

Anyway, I'm not a sadist, so I did brew my typical activated bacterial tea to assist the roots.


On the cloning front,


yeeee-ha! Much success!


And I'll leave you off with some bud-porn





Took out that test generic 130w flood-light 6000 - 65000k LED and dropped in my amazing GN HS-1 75w. Also swapped the HPS for the MH for these last 3 weeks. The added UV will certainly help with resin while the surrounding LED's offer the necessary reds.


Get ready for some "slutty PK girls" … despiste lowering the EC, canna nutes are much MUCH stronger than Dutch Pro. And strong PK is unforgiving. I would expect to start seeing some purpling and spotting and burning … All in the name of some great bud.

Groff out.
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