Indoor Prism Lighting Science CMH Test grow - 2018

This is what I read........its by a clever bloke called DANGERDAN
its a great read too!! enjoy

Plant Photosynthetic Efficiency:
Plants love making food through photosynthesis, but leaves have a limit on how fast they can do this at any given time. A leafs photosynthetic efficiency is called quantum yield. This describes the efficiency at which a leaf can perform a number of actions per photon absorbed. The more actions that can be processed per photon, the higher the efficiency. The rate of photosynthesis and photosynthetic efficiency is limited by several factors including carbon dioxide, light intensity, temperature, oxygen, water, minerals, age, leaf anatomy and more. When there is not enough carbon dioxide to continue the increase in the photosynthetic rate, this is referred to as being co2 limited. When there is sufficient levels of co2 but low amounts of light, this is referred as being light limited. Outdoor plants typically shift between these two states throughout a regular day. During early and late hours when light intensity is lowest, co2 is not the limiting factor and as such it is classified as being light limited. During the middle of the day when light intensity is highest, plants are typically co2 limited. This is because the ambient levels of co2 cannot support the rate of photosynthesis from light absorbed from the sun. When a plant is limited by any of the number of factors that are relied on for photosynthesis, a plant will reach what is called the saturation point.

Cannabis Photosynthesis:
With small indoor environments, when a grow is well managed and healthy, usually light is the limiting factor before Co2. This creates a interesting discussion of when co2 should be introduced. With current ambient Co2 concentration, outdoor plants often reach the light saturation point (co2 becomes the limiting factor in photosynthesis) daily when light intensity climbs to high levels. Greenhouse growers with feedback systems fluctuate co2 concentration with respect to radiant intensity. When the saturation point is reached and quantum yeild goes down, co2 concentration is increased to maintain maximum quantum yeild. Other greenhouse growers use shade systems, that block light slightly when sun intensity is too high. Preventing these damaging systems from happening in the first place.

Well, I'm not sure what to say about that... I am using co2 Supplement...So I see it can have the effect I am getting from article you provided(good read btw) I know most of you guys not using co2, but I do so with co2 you DO need to be at light saturation peak and many other factors.. I pictured my plants yesterday to show you how well they doing at 18" above.. I have a problem about going much higher then that because of penetration, my plants may not look very big, they are 30" as of yesterday... So I have the 18" from top of canopy plus at-least 30" of plant , that is 48" ...I still expecting them to grow another 4-6inch by time they finish... so that will put me over 48"..... I try to take several things into account, which it seems some of that may of been over-looked in that test he had done....

It's all good though... :pass:

Well, I'm not sure what to say about that... I am using co2 Supplement...So I see it can have the effect I am getting from article you provided(good read btw) I know most of you guys not using co2, but I do so with co2 you DO need to be at light saturation peak and many other factors.. I pictured my plants yesterday to show you how well they doing at 18" above.. I have a problem about going much higher then that because of penetration, my plants may not look very big, they are 30" as of yesterday... So I have the 18" from top of canopy plus at-least 30" of plant , that is 48" ...I still expecting them to grow another 4-6inch by time they finish... so that will put me over 48"..... I try to take several things into account, which it seems some of that may of been over-looked in that test he had done....

It's all good though... :pass:

thanks not trying to question you sorry if it came across like that:pighug:....i read the same article not long ago and thought shit!! way to close lol.......just didnt want anyone else to be too what you do growbro......its obv working lol....just spreadin the know how:crying::pass:
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thanks not trying to question you sorry if it came across like that:pighug:....i read the same article not long ago and thought shit!! way to close lol.......just didnt want anyone else to be too what you growbro......its obv working lol....just spreadin the know how:crying::pass:
and i asked DANGERDAN about a few thing and he is a knowledgeable dude and also a Top really trying to get to grips with the light thing and he helps:woohoo:
time for a update on both my prism lighting science 315w cmh light grows

just got done watering all my plants they all got plain water and doing a lot more training on the scrog net they all have reached the net now so that's awesome I also trimmed of a nice pile of fan leaves to get some light to the centers of the plants to promote growth

the water I used was plain carbon filtered tap water (filtered water not R/O water) it was ph. to 6.2 with a mix of citric acid crystals (natural ph. down) and ascorbic acid powder and sodium ascorbic powder (both are vitamin C powders) that I use as ph. down and a dechlorinator and was bubbled for 24+ hours

the plants in my grow tent are under a prism lighting science 315w cmh are

2x San Francisco Sour Dough autos from top shelf elite one is in day [HASHTAG]#38[/HASHTAG] from sprout and day [HASHTAG]#31[/HASHTAG] from sprout
1x gorillagasm auto from top shelf elite in day [HASHTAG]#38[/HASHTAG] from sprout
1x Pineapple crack auto from top shelf elite in day [HASHTAG]#31[/HASHTAG] from sprout

the single photo plant in the closet under a prism lighting science 315w cmh is

1x lemon tooth photo period feminized from B-S-B genetics in day [HASHTAG]#37[/HASHTAG] from sprout

time for a update on both my prism lighting science 315w cmh light grows both in super soil

just got done watering all my plants they all got plain water today and I just put some corn in water to soak so they will be getting a corn seed sprout tea soon

my plants are quite frankly growing like... weeds! lol but for real there growing so fast and just about filled up the scrog net I also did some much needed lollipopping on the plants under the net

I took some before and after pics of the auto plants in the scrog and of the photo plant in the closet grow of the lolloping

I did some training on the plant in the closet grow too it got some leaves trimmed and I did some low stress training on it but like the first time I tried to do lst on it

some of the branches started pulling away from the main stock this plant does not like lst i can say that much but takes to topping well so I backed off a little on some of the lst but still got some lst training for the most part

it should be fine the knuckles will heal and be just fine after a week or so not sure when I will put the photo plant in flower yet but should not be much longer

the water I used was plain carbon filtered tap water (filtered water not R/O water) it was ph. to 6.2 with a mix of citric acid crystals (natural ph. down) and ascorbic acid powder and sodium ascorbic powder (both are vitamin C powders) that I use as ph. down and a dechlorinator and was bubbled for 24+ hours

the plants in my grow tent are under a prism lighting science 315w cmh are

2x San Francisco Sour Dough autos from top shelf elite one is in day [HASHTAG]#40[/HASHTAG] from sprout and day [HASHTAG]#33[/HASHTAG] from sprout
1x gorillagasm auto from top shelf elite in day [HASHTAG]#40[/HASHTAG] from sprout
1x Pineapple crack auto from top shelf elite in day [HASHTAG]#33[/HASHTAG] from sprout

the single photo plant in the closet under a prism lighting science 315w cmh is

1x lemon tooth photo period feminized from B-S-B genetics in day [HASHTAG]#39[/HASHTAG] from sprout

Hey Guy's here is an update at Day 42 & 35 on the 315w 4200k LEC, I had a little grow spurt on two of my plants...well kinda a big growth spurt, two of them shot up like another 6inches between Friday & Saturday morning when these pics were taking... My last pics a few days ago, all plants were still even heights... The taller plants were like 9inches from the light, surprisingly no burn, no nothing, they doing Just Great! Only kinda bad part is I'm exceeding the lights foot-print now... I just keep rotating them, trying hit all the areas...They are all looking very healthy and really loving this light, I know I am truly amazed how well it has vegged for me so far..Enjoy!

Hey Guy's here is an update at Day 42 & 35 on the 315w 4200k LEC, I had a little grow spurt on two of my plants...well kinda a big growth spurt, two of them shot up like another 6inches between Friday & Saturday morning when these pics were taking... My last pics a few days ago, all plants were still even heights... The taller plants were like 9inches from the light, surprisingly no burn, no nothing, they doing Just Great! Only kinda bad part is I'm exceeding the lights foot-print now... I just keep rotating them, trying hit all the areas...They are all looking very healthy and really loving this light, I know I am truly amazed how well it has vegged for me so far..Enjoy!

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they look fantastic dude....9" and no burn.....interesting!!