New Grower Pot volume

That's a one off. I'm happy with 1oz a sq ft :D but I've been averaging 2oz a square foot. (600g+/m2)

Alot of people don't fill in their space though. I don't like to see light hitting the walls/ground. :)

Here's 8 plants taking up a 2'x4' section.
That's a one off. I'm happy with 1oz a sq ft :D but I've been averaging 2oz a square foot. (600g+/m2)

Alot of people don't fill in their space though. I don't like to see light hitting the walls/ground. :)

Here's 8 plants taking up a 2'x4' section.
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That's pretty full. I don't like filling my space that full. I got spider mites last year when my tent was packed, ever since I've been spreading them out just in case
I worry about mold but I keep humidity at 50% and air blowing over the canopy at all times. 24/0 lights help prevent humidity spikes during lights off as well.

Hope I never have to deal with pests but from what I understand spacing shouldn't contribute to them spreading. Separate rooms/tents should help limit it, but if they make it to the grow room from outside, infecting everything in the tent should be no problem whether the plants are packed in or a foot of empty space between them.
Have anyone really investigated the question what are the necessary pot volume?

Most people say bigger, the better. I have seen fantastic results in small pots. These plants are fast growers. I think there is a limit for how big pots they can utilise.
Harvest will have a second pleasure; investigating root balls in standard plastic pots and air-pots, small and large plants.

I have 2 @FastBuds Mexican Airlines in the hangar. There will be two flights. One takes off from a 6 L air-pot, the other takes of from something big. Will tell tomorrow, after purchasing a container, but it will be 20-30 L.

I've been growing autos in 2.5 gl pots since I started growing them. And for the most part I get pretty big autos in return. If you use a small pot and a plant become root bound you can use it to your advantage. The plant will drink more so you can feed a little more if you use bottle nutrient. I have some root bound plants now and they get a gl in the morning and by the time the lights go off they need another gl the pot is bone dry and light as a feather.
She just started flowering in the last week in a 5 gallon pot. Definitely the biggest plant but my others have packed on some serious buds.


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