New Grower Fast buds Lemon AK x 4

it looks a little mag ish....if i can remember what mag def looks like :shrug: 4th opinion as allways.variagration hmm dont think so,again could be wrong,but variagrations to me anyway are a bit more random,more prounounced,more like a birthmark effect.
any def at week 3/day 21 ish is a bit early to show.although at the same time day 21 ish is about the same time as i add 0.5ml/L of cal/mag to my 4th opinion :baked: i am pretty shit at the defs/toxs game.
all seems OK.
the girls in the Bat Special blend are clearly starting to pull ahead at this point. they haven't progressed further in the amount of nodes they have, they're just bigger, stronger, beefier.

the girls in the biobizz light blend got a tiny dose of Grow yesterday with their regular feed as they looked a little anaemic next to the others.
they also seem to have a slight variegation to the leaves... could they need a dose of cal/mag so early on? my feed schedule call to start adding cal/mag at .3ml/L from this week.

I will be topping all of these following the @autobeast method but at day 15, they definitely aren't ready yet.

View attachment 1231942

leaf "variegation" on one of the girls in the light blend.
View attachment 1231943

Stay green out there, peeps x
It's a bit early for me I'm not as good with some early symptoms but it maybe phosphorus or potassium @Waira wat do you think as you're very keen to this and kinda wonder myself.
:toke:- If she's not had any or only a light feed in that Light Mix, she's likely needing some food... A lot of things can start out with interveinal chlorosis, but Mg defc. on lower leaves is usually the culprit...
I find with my COB lights, LED in general, I get this on some plants and it's hard to fix! Even with foliars, it's stubborn...
You can try a epsom foliar spray (it's MgSO4), 1tsp/L and be sure to use a wetting agent and spray under the leaves as well, more stomata there vs. topside; wetting agents help the soln. coat and stick better instead of just beading up...
thanks everyone @boaty mcboatface @Fitzy & @Waira.
cal/mag had been my initial thought but being a bit of a noob, I didn't want to jump in both feet first :D
I dont have any Epsom salts right now but the cal/mag supplement I have is usable as a foliar spray. I'll give them a good spray down this afternoon before lights out.
stay green out there, peeps.
everyone got a foliar spray of cal/mag just before lights out.

the 2 girls in the bat special blend are safely past their 4th node today so they got the scissor treatment ... SNIP-SNIP!

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week 4 ... already?
day 25... I've got some catching up to do!

the 2 on the left are in the bat special blend & are still ahead of the other 2.
The 2 in the light mix blend were suffering from a cal/mag diff' that I haven't gotten 100% on top of but they're looking a lot better. also started them on some Grow & they've darkened up nicely.
Lefties were LSTd 3 days ago & Righties we tied down to eight.
Back right is the clear runt. I've found a few balls on her that I've been removing. Think the topping was maybe a bit much for her but I've still got plenty of hope :)

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start of week 5
greetings all.
ladies seem to be doing ok. everyone is in pre flower :)
I just keep tying them down every few days & whipping a few leaves off.
running out of horizontal space now so time to just let them reach for the lights, I reckon!
the 2 on the left (bat special mix) are easily taking 1L at a time & could take more. the 2 on the right (light mix) are taking 800ml & I dont think I'd want to give much more than that just yet.

stay green out there, peeps :)

start of week 6
I was away over the weekend & I'm pretty sure everyone, but especially the girls on the left got a little too dry. they had a couple of days of moping about but seem to have come back. the 2 on the left have been left with silghtly white tips though...

definely not as happy with this runs watering routine compared to last. not a terrible fuck up, their growth just hasn't been quite as aggressive. maybe a strain thing aswell..

everyone is in early flower. 3 of them are pretty similar but one of the girls in the BS blend has really gone for it!
I lied in my last post, even though I'm out of space, I keep just tinkering & tying them down a bit more :D
they've filled their space out really nice now.
