New Grower post harvest root exam

It was a clump, but that's just because the rootball was holding everything 5 minutes i shook the dirt off with some squeezing now and then and was left with just roots in my hand. My soil wasn't amended with anything to begin with..just mycchozziae?-whatever its called, so nothing to be depleted of. Since I was going to get something to get rid of the bits of roots left, it will actually be cheaper to get a new bag of soil rather than the chemical for the roots. I was going to grow in coco, but only after buying it I realized that they have to be watered everyday (which I knew), but they also HAVE to be fed with every watering, which in the end will cost more than what the plant may produce, if its a returning the coco and getting new soil. The main reason I wanted to reuse is that I didn't want to drag home another bag of soil from the store as its not that light and its a long walk, and I live on the top floor and its summer and I cant stand heat lol. Thanks for all the help soil it is:)

Hehe.. Lazy fooker! ...Just like me! [emoji38]

Deffo less hassle to get new stuff and it's not like you're polluting anything by throwing it out.. It's mud! [emoji2]
Hehe.. Lazy fooker! ...Just like me! [emoji38]

Deffo less hassle to get new stuff and it's not like you're polluting anything by throwing it out.. It's mud! [emoji2]
Lazy maybe lol...I just have a hard time in the heat/humidity lol..I walk 10km's a day to get to work and home, I don't like to carry extra things for the walk lol. As for polluting..that wasn't my concern at all, my little bag of soil in the garbage cant compare to the pollution that one factory or car/airplane puts out in a fraction of a minute:)