Dragon Meds Portal Bud Blast

I think a blender would work great for starting out. I will get leaf and do it at least once. Plus pull a popcorn nug or two and eat them like you are doing. Worst it can do is provide a canna cleansing of the colon!
Sure guys, definitely try it out sometime. I feel it's helped clean out the cobwebs in my brain. Lol. I've thrown out my share of trim leaves in the past, not wanting much edibles to be honest, but I'm very interested in it now in its raw state. I'll be sure to pass on whatever I learn, a raw consumption thread is a good idea so others can find that info easier.

Thanks again for your feedback.
Thanks pyrokev, I'm happy with them and the soil is working well.

I had a little hiccup today, I began a little super-cropping today on the RM and FF. The Fairy Frost stalk is sort of the semi-hollow type and I made the mistake of not pinching and softening it before bending the top, and I caused a partial snap.

View attachment 636484

The break is a little less than 50% through so I think it will heal, we'll see. I got a plastic straw and cut a piece to make a splint, that's the orange plastic there. Then I put another piece on top and taped, I didn't want tape in direct contact with the cut.

View attachment 636488

Having done this, it doesn't seem snug as neither tape nor straw have much pressure on the break, so I used a pipe cleaner to bend the break back together, like this:

View attachment 636489

I'm optimistic that this will heal within a week, probably less, as I did all of this immediately when it happened. Probably make a knuckle on the stalk there and be okay, just messes up the shaping I was trying to achieve.

These things happen, but could have been avoided with better technique. No worries though, guys.

@MediScrogs I've done this a bunch of times. I just bend back in place with a little pressure, then tie it in place. Then give water with a little molasses (1tbsp per gal.). Its like nothing ever happened. Hope this help's Bro.:peace:
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@pyrokev Thanks on that, 10-4. I sprayed with some aloe water again with some millet wash.

Just feel a little silly mucking up the queen of the litter. :haha:

On they go, day 26, they're going faster now.

Here's the stray Amber, it's been very cool at night, 46 to 50, so she's not done a lot, as expected and with having been stunted. She's got a really nice fruity gum smell though, like the old Fruit Stripe gum if you know that stuff, very pleasant smell.

Rained overnight, going to stay damp and cold for the foreseeable future, daytime cold too. Hoping to avoid any mold and be ready for snacking in another couple weeks.

you still using that pre made mix from KIS??

Yeah, Eyes. I've got it at 80 % strength this run, approximately. It's probably 20% castings, it might just be a little much for autos, but they're doing well, not toxic, but seems on the edge of being too rich.

What I like about using their nutrient pack is being able to customize how much castings and compost goes in. With the Amber above, the little one, you can see a couple lowers starting to fade the N just a little. She was planted in some leftover batch I mixed myself, I had run out of castings and compost so the amounts are fairly low, probably why it wants to fade now, but the amounts of other primary and secondary nutes seems to be good though. I certainly don't seem to be having any calmag issues so that's a good sign.

But yeah, the prebagged mix is what's poppin in the tent, it's done well so far. I added a little em1 to the reservoirs the other day and now I've got some slight clawing on the new growth. Em1 has lactic acid and some other basic bacteria in it. I'm thinking they boosted the N uptake on me, so I'm going to set it back aside for now.

That, and I also added some bokashi grains to the soilmix as well, and I think that enhances N uptake as well, doesn't it? So maybe I'm not showing a good baseline test of their soilmix due to this being amended in, just trying to report what I did you know. Bokashi increases N fixing, doesn't it? Maybe I shouldn't have added it.

Nonetheless, they've been looking purdy darn gooot. Lol, thanks for stopping in, you know I always value your thoughts, my brother.