Dragon Meds Portal Bud Blast

yeah thats why I run 18hrs on. 24 is too much pressure/stress on plants and thats why it takes longer,plus your really pushing the stress and auto proportions of the auto plant. thats why it takes a cpl weeks longer overall. ime too ,thats what it has done. Ive done a few 24hr light grows to see, longer doesnt give you a ton of extra meds and can tend to stress them out easier at times. but to each their own ofcourse, and yes'sir they're gonna rip it up here soon too. you can see it in them already assuming they dont any major snag which i doubt,so they'll be lovely indeed,already are LOL
Cool, Eyes, thanks for your feedback. I've only run 24hr so far so I don't have the experience to compare. My plants do seem to take longer overall--well, certainly not early finish for sure, but usually 80 some days, and I'm usually going for at least some amber trichs.

I hadn't thought about whether it causes plants stress or not, but was thinking about turning the timer on now to try and speed it up a couple days...want these done by Thanksgiving, so I've got something like 84 days total available for the grow...should be okay...
Cool, yeah, they've got the look for big bud potential, I'm just gonna keep on keeping on. My power strip has a built-in timer, went ahead and set it today for 18/6 as I do want to be sure they finish in the time frame I have before T-day. Maybe Amber being a bit slower this particular bean, I'm sure the dark is going to help. Probably really start stretching now. Lol. Going to hang a third led panel here soon so they bake when they wake :biggrin:
Here's the stray Amber, so cold these days so she's moving slow. It's like day 53 or so. Looked like sun was coming out, brought her out of the shed. 20 minutes later, sky was completely overcast and raining. :nono:

@MediScrogs , been meaning to ask about the reservoirs you have your pots in.

Are they purpose made for growing?
Name of product, informational link?


Sure, man. They're called Octopot system. You get the reservoir, the fiber grow sleeve, and a "wick" that is the base of the grow sleeve. If you go to Octopot website or youtube, you can see more info about them...the wick is essentially like a 4" net pot, it sets on the bottom of the reservoir and is filled with your grow medium. It absorbs the water in the rez and wicks it up into the medium in the grow sleeve.

I mostly like them, but they're expensive. A handy DIY dude could whip up a similar concept for less. The wick principle works good though, so long as you have enough aeration in the medium (perlite).

In this sense, the priciple is the same as Autopots which have a subforum on AFN now. Autopots actually cost less, but is a connected set of planters--I wanted the ability to have each unit independent so I can move them in or outdoors at will, etc.. I guess I was willing to pay more for the flexibility to move them around.

As I said though, the principle is very simple so there's options to design a DIY planter for yourself. Also, a company called Earthbox makes planters like this with wicks sitting in the res. Look for them on the net, their planters are actually way more affordable, only problem for me being that the sizes were odd and don't really fit a 2x4 tent very well. (Something like 11"x29" ...?) Why didn't they use 24" to make an even, scalable size?
A shallower model they make would be cool for autos, but the res is not very big, so you have to add water everyday...and that was the other big draw for me, to auto-water, as work takes me out of town for a couple days at a time, so it's a critical need I have, and the ones I have solved that problem, but yeah, like $60 per planter, very expensive. If you are good with DIY, I'm sure you can build versions for much much less....
Will follow up on the Octopots for certain, thanks!

I'm familiar with a few different ways to do bottom watering. I was first introduced to the concept in fruit tree nurseries years back.
Fast forward to now and I see cannafolk doing a "Swick" form of bottom watering. Very similar to what I've seen in the nurseries,basically a bed of Perlite.
Plants in some form of fabric bag sit on the bed, the water level in the bed kept to with in an inch of the top of the Perlite layer.
As you mention the soil is heavily aerated with coco and /or peat along with perlite to assist the capillary thang.

So with the Octopot system you have you're feeding by way of the reservoir, is that right?