Dragon Meds Portal Bud Blast

Are you potting up from 2 to 5 gal pots medi? Those portals are looking fantastic

Hey Dudeski, those are the 3L airpots they start in. The large grow sleeve is 6 gallons, plenty big enough :eyebrows:

I plugged them in at day 11 this time. I won't really be able to form an opinion about the soil strength until later in the grow but they look pretty good so far, they never look perfect here anyways :haha: .
Hey Medi, they look awesome man. What's the point of the air pots within fabrics? Did I miss it?

Thanks man...No, nothing critical about my technique there, my brother. I simply want to keep them out of the hot soil as seedling, for one. Also because I figure to run both male and female seed and want to develop a "starter" routine so I can select plants or cull them before going into the large sleeve.

I just bury them in there because I don't want to shock the roots in any way at the time of "plugging". They have lots of holes at the bottom so the roots can easily expand out from there. Fabric pots you can also plug and bury just fine as well. Plugging in this way to avoid transplant shock
Thanks man...No, nothing critical about my technique there, my brother. I simply want to keep them out of the hot soil as seedling, for one. Also because I figure to run both male and female seed and want to develop a "starter" routine so I can select plants or cull them before going into the large sleeve.

I just bury them in there because I don't want to shock the roots in any way at the time of "plugging". They have lots of holes at the bottom so the roots can easily expand out from there. Fabric pots you can also plug and bury just fine as well. Plugging in this way to avoid transplant shock

That's cool. Never saw that before. Nice work.
Hey Medi!

It is Mr. Frost I was googling around trying to get some info on BAS's fishbone meal and insect frass and I saw all my homies from the Portal over here.

Well hello! I've seen so many people over here. Good organic section over here. Wish I would of read up over here before I became a mad scientist with Jedi trying to get everything dialed in.

Those diy earthboxes we made are working like a champ! I have 14 inch wide fan leaves everywhere now growing out of them now. I can't believe how big they have gotten. I was googling aroumd because I wanted to see how well a top dressing of fish bone meal for flowering would do but all I found was The Revs mix and with all the millions of amendments in it their is no telling what to.expect. I was hoping to see somebody like you using KIS or BAS kit to see what results you get.

Butt there you were, with eyes on fire and dazed back in the day chatting it up about organics.

It brought a tear to my eye! You guys rock!

I'm about to read this thread!
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Haha !!! I love aloe spraying my plants and it root drenching them too.

They always pray so hard after some aloe! I grew out 3 massive aloe plants this summer so I will be able to save money on that!

Mental note, never try to taste fresh cut aloe! Omg!!!! It like chewing up 3 aspirins without any water!
@diggum Hey there Mr Frost, lol, good to see you on the forums. I'm following your earthbox grow with a lot of interest--very similar design to what I use but a hell of a lot less expensive to buy (or make, as you've done). The only major difference would be the grow sleeve on the octopots, they are breathable so perhaps an advantage there, but I prefer the earthbox though if only because they're so reasonably priced.

As far as organics, I am new at it this year. I spent a lot of time here trying to figure out if organics would be too difficult or not to pull off, and became aware of the Revs soil being available and then Eyes had a thread that mentioned kisorganics brand, and that's how I was introduced to it. That was all before AFN started working with kind soil and doing the current test threads with it.

So far, I'm really happy with kisorganics, it can be reammended with their nutrient pack. I'm not using any calmag either and they look great so far this run. Now I have some experience to reflect on, I feel--at least with kisorganics--organic growing is very easy, time efficient, and produces great quality smoke. It's a lot less involved to use a premade mix rather than trying to build your own mix from scratch. I'm happy enough, I'm going to stick with this brand I'm using and continue posting my test results.

As far as top drenching, the only potential problem I've run into with a bottom watering system like we both have--well, mine anyway runs very very dry at the top of the planter. So with this, whatever you drench in isn't going to run off and out over time like it would in a top watered container. There's no run off. So at the end of the run, that stuff may need to be flushed or rinsed out for flavor reasons, depending on what it is. But yeah, my previous crops this year were kind of a combo of soil with some top drenches. I found that once I started using this soil above 50% strength then top drenches were not really necessary and caused minor problems of over-fert.

But yeah, fish bone meal is a classic amendment I guess, and it's in the Kisorganics formulation too.

The theme of this test run is to try the soil at 80% strength from their bag, and water only and see how it does. The aloe spray I'll allow myself to do once a week but that's about it.
It's hard to fight the temptation to do more as I'm used to bottle nutes and continually wanting to "feed the plant" instead of letting the soil feed the plant. But I want to clearly see what the soil alone does this round.

Thanks again for stopping by, and thanks to everyone here for your interest
Here's a look at the plants today. They would be starting day 21.


They're more than ready for some LST, going to grab some pipe cleaners today for tying those tops over. Amber maybe needs another day or two of stretch first. Rainbow Moonstone is about 6" tall and the Fairy Frost about 5".

They seem to be doing well
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Okay, so here they are now.


By the way, the Rainbow Moonstone threw her first few preflower pistils the other day, and first pair appeared today on the Fairy Frost. Amber is a couple days behind in development. I've cheated the panel over to the right a couple inches--I was thinking maybe the Amber is getting too much light with the reflection off the tent walls in the corner. She's shorter but the stem is very stout, I'd like to see her stretch out a bit more.