Dragon Meds Portal Bud Blast

Well, not great news on the update, but let's face the music :gassy:


It all started when I had to go out of town a few days. In my rush to water up the trays, I forgot to ph down the water.

I'm not sure which combo of under or over watering,

the yellowing is some hunger perhaps, but also worries me that there might be some bugs in this bag of black gold, never used it before. I haven't seen any surface or aerial bug activity though.

I gave them a wee dash of fishmix, and added some SM-90 as a precaution in case something nasty is lurking in the soil, that would help knock it out.

Using just one led panel for a few to remove any heat stress. Probably thinking to drive up and grab some soil as I've used before to use as cut when I pot up, the black gold has me worried now.

&#%*+! Happens, try to get things rolling again . Not the plants' fault I'm sure. :shrug:
man,that sucks right there brutha man,sorry to hear that. looks like it was hot and dry. were the pots dry when ya got back? like needed water bad sorta?

I think so, had my wife top up the trays, I don't know how dry they were but yeah, maybe just that and not a soil prob, they seemed to start off just fine.

I think they'll come around but it affects the size potential for sure. It sucks but I'm super busy again with work and these things happen, I have to travel frequently these days.

Seedling stage is the most touchy phase of an auto, and I'm thinking about continuing to try different methods and mediums for the starter pots to make things more foolproof in the future
Hey medi, one of the freebies i got from portal was called a semi auto. Do you know what that means?

Well, it's not fully auto yet, but is carrying the auto trait and will likely self-initiate flowering the way an auto does, but the timing would be less predictable as to when--luck of the draw on that particular bean, but probably not a plant that is a good mother for clones because it will tend to trigger flowering. I hope someone else will step in and correct me if this isn't right.

With a semi I think it'd be good to grow outside, planting late in spring like you normally would and let the natural dark period help it out. You could consider hitting it with auto pollen to bring it to fully auto
Thanks medi! Im not real sharp on makin auto pollen. I probably should save it till i learn more.

That's cool, I'm sure it's a good strain man, probably has the extra potential for size if it acts more like a photoperiod.

As far as pollen, it's not anything different, really, but you'll probably want a space where they can bloom without pollinating everything else you may have going. Fuggzy has a cool little photo tutorial on pollen collecting here somewhere that'll give you an overview of the whole collecting process, I know it's on the Portal forum.

Dudeski, how'd you end up liking your auto Ultimate , I assume you've been smoking some..?
It was the euphoria and its fantastic! Still needs a little more cure. Satvias i love, couch lock hits me too hard. Im going to drop a portal in a month or so. Fairy frost or stone dragon.
Cool man. I'm having trouble with that here as you can see. Going to give a light foliar spray with a dash of humics and aloe and see if I can revive these plants some. Needs to finish before Thanksgiving so I don't have time to start again. I think they'll pull through though.